13 Dec 2019: The ICSM Metadata Working Group has produced a short video to describe metadata and why it's important. Have a look at it via the link below.
Metadata Education Video05 Feb 2019: The AADC now has Core Trust Seal Accreditation - a new, internationally recognised accreditation for data centres. The accreditation process is conducted by peer review, then final certification is approved by the CTS board based on reviewer recommendations. There are only three CTS Certified Repositories in Australia, and only 44 in the entire world.
Core Trust Seal Accreditation01 Mar 2018: This week the AADC passed a significant data citation milestone - we minted our 1,000th Dataset DOI since implementing the service almost six years ago. Dataset DOIs are a very useful tool to aid in data citation. And the 1,000th DOI? It was a K-Axis chlorophyll dataset (see the link).
1,000 DOIs created at the AADC