Profile details

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Profile details

Profile Id 2736    
Profile name c728pb_00
GL Identifier c728pb_00 (Geo-location data)
Species Mirounga leonina (Linnaeus,1758) (Southern Elephant Seal) Profile

Sex: - F

Lifestage: - 7

Breeding stage: - pb
Deployed from Macquarie Island (details) [ 54° 37.2' S 158° 51.7' E]
Deployed period From 12-Nov-2000 04:48 UT to 18-Jan-2001 03:36 UT
Links to tagging data Seal details for C728
Campaign 1999/2000 to 2004/05 Elephant seals, Macquarie Island (Campaign details | profiles)
Comments/Notes Brand C728
Departure mass 346 kg Length 2.38 m
Return mass 473 kg Length m
Data and Maps
Track count - 135 No map
Data reporting
There is no pass data