Profile details

Application under development!

This application is under development to make it fit in with the new site. While full functionality should still exist, the page layouts may appear incorrectly. We're working on integrating this application in to the new site and will have it ready as soon as we can.

Profile details

Profile Id 3173    
Profile name Mawson 14
PTT Number 112158 (ARGOS Satellite data)
Species Aptenodytes forsteri Gray, 1844 (Emperor Penguin) Profile

Sex: - U
Deployed from Auster Rookery (details) [ 67° 23.8' S 63° 57.0' E]
Deployed period From 15-Dec-2011 12:00 UT
Program 11068 - IMOS funded trackers
Campaign Emperor penguin fledglings - Davis and Mawson 2011/12 (Campaign details | profiles)
Data filter settings Minimum Location Quality - A - 3 message location
Maximum allowed speed - 14 km/hr
Data and Maps
Pass Quality Count
3 320
2 740
1 843
0 446
A 601
B 919
Z 32
No map
Data reporting

If you wish to view/extract any data, please log in.

Map of positions - small world map in SVG
Quality of pass plot - time series in SVG