Collection Details

RMT-1 Trawl catch from the 2005/06 V3 BROKE-West voyage - Zooplankton

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©AAD, Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2006
Catalogue id
Voyage 3 BROKE-West
Nicol, Stephen (Steve)

Collection Details

Kerrie M. Swadling, So Kawaguchi and Graham W. Hosie
Collection Acronym
Samples were collected at trawl stations (approximately every second CTD station), as well as opportunistically when something interesting was spotted on the Echosounder. The samples were collected with an RMT-1 plankton net and preserved in Steedman's solution. Upon returning to Australia, the samples were passed onto Kerrie Swadling, who split them with a Folsom plankton splitter so that between 400 and 1300 indivduials were counter per sample. Every organism was identified to the lowest possible taxon - in the case of copepods, usually to species and stage level. Other taxa are to species wherever possible. All the animals were counted and the results are expressed as abundance per 1000 cubic m.
Taxa Groups

List 36 taxa from this collection
Collection Status
Data collection complete
Antarctic mesozooplankton community structure during BROKE-West (30°E - 80°E), January - February 2006, Kerrie M. Swadling, So Kawaguchi and Graham W. Hosie, Deep Sea Research (2009) Deep-Sea Research II 57, 887¿904 doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.10.041
DiGIR Details

See International activities tab for details on publishing data to other repositories.

Resource Code: - zoo_broke_west
Resource Name: - RMT-1 Trawl catch from the 2005/06 V3 BROKE-West voyage - Zooplankton
Keywords: - RMT 1, net sampling
Basis of Record: - Specimen

For list of all collections published via DiGIR, see AADC DiGIR collections and the DiGIR harvesting point if you wish to harvest records

Linked to the following Bioregions

Coastal Continental Antarctic - Enderby Land / Syowa
Coastal Continental Antarctic - Mac Robertson Land Coast

Data Details

Data links
Search the 1,140 observations belonging to this collection.
No map exists.
Spatial Coverage
61° 39' 46.8" S to 69° 06' 28.8" S | -61.6630° to -69.1080°
29° 59' 02.8" E to 80° 00' 57.6" E | 29.9841° to 80.0160°
Date Range of Collection
19-Jan to 27-Feb-2006
Data collected from the following voyage(s)
VoyageObservation countSearch
2005/06 V3 BROKE-West (details) 1140 search
BROKE-West_zooplankton - Zooplankton distribution and abundance during the BROKE-West survey