Collection Details

Biology and population studies of two endemic orchid species on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island

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Collection Details

Mary Skotnicki
Collection Acronym
Two endemic orchid species, Nematoceras dienemum and N. sulcatum, are known from sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. Several additional orchid populations on the island are reported and cleistogamy is documented in N. dienemum for the first time. The known population sizes, habitats and locations for both orchid species are documented here, and new information on their biology and population ecology is provided.
Taxa Groups
Vascular plants,

List 2 taxa from this collection
Collection Status
Data collection complete
Skotnicki, M.L., Copson, G.R., Doube, J., Gadd, L., Selkirk-Bell, J.M., Selkirk, P.M. (2009) Biology and population studies of two endemic Nematocera (orchid) species on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 143(2). 61-71
DiGIR Details

See International activities tab for details on publishing data to other repositories.

Resource Code: - orchids
Resource Name: - Biology and population studies of two endemic orchid species on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island
Keywords: - Nematoceras,Corybas, helmut orchid, sub-Antarctic, Macquarie Island
Basis of Record: - Observation

For list of all collections published via DiGIR, see AADC DiGIR collections and the DiGIR harvesting point if you wish to harvest records

Linked to the following Bioregions

Subantarctic Island - Macquarie Island

Data Details

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No map exists.
Spatial Coverage
54° 29' 51.0" S to 54° 39' 09.0" S | -54.4975° to -54.6525°
158° 50' 17.9" E to 158° 53' 39.8" E | 158.8383° to 158.8944°
Date Range of Collection
1-Jan-1976 to 1-Jan-2009
None are linked at present