Collection Details

Cetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean Cetacean Program - BROKE-West

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©Rob Bryson 2009
Catalogue id
Humpback whale off Syowa station Latitude 68 22S Longitude 039 22E
Bryson, Robert (Rob)

Collection Details

Deborah Thiele
Collection Acronym
The SOCEP research objective is to detect and document cetacean sightings and relevant environmental and other information throughout the voyage. The BROKE-West multidisciplinary voyage provides an opportunity to correlate sightings data with oceanographic and biology research conducted by other programs. Search effort is conducted over a broad range of weather conditions. The majority of Antarctic species are medium to large whales, with cues that can be detected in relatively high Beaufort sea states up to and including Beaufort Sea State 7.
Taxa Groups

List 11 taxa from this collection
Collection Status
Data collection complete
DiGIR Details

See International activities tab for details on publishing data to other repositories.

Resource Code: - whale_survey_broke_west
Resource Name: - Cetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean Cetacean Program - BROKE-West
Keywords: - Whales, cetaceans, bearing, data logger, date, distance, group size, latitude, longitude, method, near ice, observer, reaction, species, swim direction, time, voyage
Basis of Record: - Observation

For list of all collections published via DiGIR, see AADC DiGIR collections and the DiGIR harvesting point if you wish to harvest records

Data Details

Data links
Search the 321 observations belonging to this collection.
No map exists.
Spatial Coverage
60° 04' 54.5" S to 69° 08' 39.5" S | -60.0818° to -69.1443°
29° 57' 22.7" E to 81° 16' 06.2" E | 29.9563° to 81.2684°
Date Range of Collection
11-Jan to 4-Mar-2006
Data collected from the following voyage(s)
VoyageObservation countSearch
2005/06 V3 BROKE-West (details) 321 search
BROKE-West_Cetaceans - Cetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean Cetacean Program - BROKE-West