(Latitude 47° 07' 59.9" S Longitude 71° 58' 00.1" W )
Use the link on the Scientific Name to see full details of that taxa. The Observations link allows the user to search for observations near this place.
Scientific Name | Authority | Common Name | Observations |
Acaena magellanica | (Lam.) Vahl | Observations | |
Acaena transitoria | Bitter | Observations | |
Brachythecium austrosalebrosum | (C. Muell.) Kindb. | Observations | |
Brachythecium glaciale | B.S.G. | Observations | |
Brachythecium paradoxum | (Hook. Fil. et Wils) Jaegr. | Observations | |
Brachythecium subpilosum | Observations | ||
Chorisodontium aciphyllum | Observations | ||
Conostomum tetragonum | (With.) Lindb. | Observations | |
Dicranoloma australe | (C. Muell.) Par. | Observations | |
Distichium capillaceum | (Hedw.) B.S.G. | Observations | |
Dryptodon fuscoluteus | (Hook.) Ochyra et Zarnowiec | Observations | |
Grimmia reflexidens | Mull. Hal. | Observations | |
Holodontium strictum | (Hook. f. & Wils.) Ochyra | Observations | |
Racomitrium ptychophyllum | (Mitt.) Mitt. | Observations |
For additional taxa, see the Search Taxonomy page of Antarctic Biodiversity.