Tows List

List of all CPR tows ordered by season and voyage.

Voyage : 1996/97 V6     - Link to additional Voyage details
Vessel : Aurora Australis
Duration : 21-Apr-1997 to 24-Apr-1997 UTC
Spatial Bounds :
0° 04.2' N
166° 58.8' W 179° 01.9' E
76° 40.0' S
Voyage Leader : Andrew Jackson

CPR Tow Start Position End Position Distance (km) Start /end Dates (UTC) Segments Processed
14 51° 49.5' S 141° 04.0' E 56° 07.8' S 131° 09.2' E 804.6 km at 230° 5-Apr-1997 01:12 7-Apr-1997 01:43 79   Map
15 56° 07.9' S 131° 05.3' E 60° 04.9' S 120° 01.1' E 783.2 km at 231° 7-Apr-1997 02:04 9-Apr-1997 14:50 108   Map
16 63° 39.0' S 149° 30.0' E 55° 46.7' S 157° 56.9' E 993.4 km at 32° 19-Apr-1997 14:11 21-Apr-1997 08:33 97   Map

Map of the sample locations of all tows for the voyage.