Feature Types

Search restricted to attribute 1054 - Description

Use link on Feature Type Code to see details of that Feature Type.

Code Feature Type Definition
109 Apparatus A scientific instrument.
111 Artifact Significant relics and artefacts of past culture
120 Beacon A structure emitting a guiding or warning signal for navigation
149 Contaminated area Any site or region that is damaged, harmed or made unfit for use by the introduction of unwanted substances, particularly microorganisms, chemicals, toxic and radioactive materials and wastes.
152 Contour line Imaginary lines, or lines on a map or chart, that connect points of equal value, e.g. elevation of the land surface.
154 Convention An area subject to an international convention; will generally be the CCAMLR (Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources).
169 Dyke A tabular body of intrustive igneous rock that cuts across the layering or structural fabric of the host rock. Dykes may be fine, medium or or course-grained, depending on their composition and the combination of their size and the length of their cooling period. They vary in size from a few centimetres to kilometres.
173 Erratic Glacially transported stones and boulders. Erratics may be embedded in till or occur on the ground surface. They range in size from pebbles to huge boulders weighing thousands of tons. Their transport range from less than 1 km to more than 800 km. Erratics composed of distinctive rock types can be traced to their point of origin and serve as indicators of glacial flow direction.
188 Fossil A specific location of a fossil site.
193 Gear Depot A place for storing goods or vehicles.
198 Grave A place where a corpse/s are buried. The description attribute describes the site, for example, a mound of rocks with a white cross and the name of the deceased.
205 Historic An area or item of historic interest. Areas or items included in the Historic Sites and Monuments list of the Antarctic Treaty are identified.
229 Landing area Any locality either on land, water or structures, including airports/helipads and intermediate landing fields, which is used, or intended to be used, for the landing and takeoff of aircraft. Landing areas may or may not have facilities for the shelter and servicing of aircraft, or for receiving or discharging passengers or cargo.
235 Management zone An area set aside for specific management purposes.
241 Marker bed A geological formation serving as a marker - an easily recognised stratigraphic feature with distinctive characteristics traceable over long distances.
242 Mast An upright post or lattice-work structure for supporting radio antennas or similar features. Usually supported by guys. (Non directional beacons are stored under beacons)
243 Monument An object, especially large and made of stone, built to remember and show respect to a person or group of people, or a special place made for this purpose.
247 Navigation guide A structure or object on land or water that does not emit a signal and is used for marine vessel navigation
260 Pole A tall, slender and rounded length of wood or metal, generally vertical, used to give structural support for utility features such as the electrical fittings and cables. May or may not be supported by guys.
267 Protected area An area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity and/or of natural and associated cultural resources. The area is managed through legal or other effective means.
270 Rack A framework with rails, bars, pegs, or shelves, for keeping or placing articles on or in.
274 Refuge A shelter from extreme or dangerous environmental conditions such as those posed by the weather.
279 Rock Any aggregate of minerals that makes up part of the earth's crust. It may be unconsolidated, such as sand, clay, or mud, or consolidated, such as granite, limestone, or coal.
280 Rock boundary The boundary line of a lithological unit, where not defined by a fault, dyke or vein.
452 Scientific Site A location of scientific study site or where a sample was taken. It also includes the location of scientific markers to relocate sites.
295 Sea ice boundary The boundary of sea ice.
314 Storage A temporary structure or collection of goods e.g shipping containers, shipping goods, gravel stockpile.
316 Structure Something built or constructed.
328 Tower A self supporting construction supported by feet. It has latticed uprights and has no guys.
330 Traverse A linear scientific transect or traverse. A once off path follow by scientist to collect data.
332 Trend A trace of bedding, foliation, or igneous trend in a rock.
341 Volcanic cone A conical mass of which the base is a circle and the summit a point. The term is used frequently in connection with a volcanic.
344 Waste disposal site A place for depositing rubbish
347 Way point A navigation marker.