Antarctic Names

Search results

Place Names within 1.0 degrees of White Island
(Latitude 66° 44.0' S Longitude 48° 35.0' E )

Names restricted to those from Australia

For additional names, see the Antarctic Names (Australian Antarctic Gazetteer).

Use the link on the Name to see full details of that place.

NameFeature typeLatitudeLongitudeDistance and bearing
Cape Monakov Cape 67° 07.8' S 48° 20.3' E 45.4 km at 193°
Cape Streten Cape 66° 49.0' S 49° 15.0' E 30.7 km at 108°
Casey Bay Bay 67° 30.0' S 48° 00.0' E 88.9 km at 196°
Christmas Point Point 67° 23.0' S 48° 58.0' E 74.2 km at 167°
Demidov Island Island 67° 28.3' S 48° 20.5' E 82.8 km at 187°
Dilemma Point Point 67° 24.0' S 49° 00.0' E 76.3 km at 167°
Dingle Dome Dome 67° 03.0' S 48° 49.0' E 36.7 km at 164°
Forefinger Point Point 67° 37.0' S 48° 04.0' E 100.7 km at 193°
Fyfe Hills Hill 67° 21.0' S 49° 15.0' E 74.4 km at 157°
Galkin Island Island 67° 31.3' S 47° 41.3' E 95.8 km at 203°
Geoffrey Hills Hill 67° 36.0' S 48° 37.0' E 96.4 km at 179°
Gidrografov Islands Island 67° 23.0' S 48° 46.0' E 72.7 km at 174°
Hannan Ice Shelf Ice shelf 67° 36.0' S 47° 35.0' E 105.6 km at 204°
Il'In Island Island 67° 33.0' S 47° 42.0' E 98.5 km at 202°
Khmara Bay Bay 67° 21.0' S 48° 55.0' E 70.1 km at 168°
Koala Island Island 67° 33.5' S 47° 52.2' E 96.8 km at 198°
McIntyre Island Island 67° 22.0' S 49° 05.0' E 73.7 km at 163°
Mount Bergin Mountain 67° 41.0' S 48° 54.0' E 106.5 km at 173°
Mount Currie Mountain 67° 42.0' S 49° 12.0' E 110.7 km at 166°
Mount Dyke Mountain 67° 35.0' S 49° 25.0' E 101.1 km at 160°
Mount Humble Mountain 67° 41.0' S 49° 28.0' E 112.3 km at 161°
Mount Maslen Mountain 67° 42.0' S 49° 07.0' E 109.9 km at 168°
Mount Merrick Mountain 67° 42.0' S 49° 17.0' E 111.6 km at 165°
Numbat Island Island 67° 34.0' S 47° 58.0' E 96.4 km at 196°
Pinn Island Island 67° 33.6' S 47° 54.2' E 96.4 km at 197°
Porter Ice Shelf Ice shelf 67° 00.0' S 49° 20.0' E 44.2 km at 132°
Raggatt Mountains Mountain 67° 43.0' S 49° 15.0' E 113.1 km at 166°
Sakellari Peninsula Peninsula 67° 05.0' S 49° 07.0' E 45.3 km at 149°
Shaw Islands Island 67° 33.3' S 47° 42.8' E 98.8 km at 202°
Styles Strait Strait 66° 51.0' S 48° 35.0' E 13.0 km at 180°
Thyer Glacier Glacier 67° 43.0' S 48° 48.0' E 109.7 km at 175°
Transposition Point Point 67° 24.6' S 48° 51.1' E 76.1 km at 171°
White Island Island 66° 44.0' S 48° 35.0' E Same spot
Wombat Island Island 67° 35.2' S 47° 56.1' E 99.0 km at 196°
Zircon Point Point 67° 23.0' S 49° 06.0' E 75.7 km at 163°
Zubchatyy Ice Shelf Ice shelf 67° 13.0' S 49° 05.0' E 58.0 km at 158°