Antarctic Names

Search results

Place Names within 1.0 degrees of Webber Island
(Latitude 77° 17.0' S Longitude 153° 05.0' W )

Names restricted to those from United States of America

For additional names, see the Antarctic Names (Australian Antarctic Gazetteer).

Use the link on the Name to see full details of that place.

NameFeature typeLatitudeLongitudeDistance and bearing
Alexandra Mountains Mountain 77° 25.0' S 153° 30.0' W 18.0 km at 214°
Balsley Peak Peak 77° 38.0' S 153° 36.0' W 40.9 km at 198°
Blades Glacier Glacier 77° 38.0' S 153° 00.0' W 39.0 km at 177°
Bowman Peak Peak 77° 29.0' S 153° 13.0' W 22.5 km at 188°
Butler Glacier Glacier 77° 24.0' S 152° 42.0' W 16.0 km at 144°
Chandler Island Island 77° 21.0' S 153° 10.0' W 7.7 km at 195°
Dalton Glacier Glacier 77° 33.0' S 152° 25.0' W 33.8 km at 152°
Drummond Peak Peak 77° 51.0' S 153° 58.0' W 66.5 km at 198°
Fisher Island Island 77° 08.0' S 154° 00.0' W 28.1 km at 306°
La Gorce Peak Peak 77° 37.0' S 153° 22.0' W 37.7 km at 190°
Larson Glacier Glacier 77° 28.0' S 154° 00.0' W 30.2 km at 227°
Mount Josephine Mountain 77° 33.0' S 152° 48.0' W 30.4 km at 167°
Mount Manger Mountain 77° 29.0' S 153° 15.0' W 22.6 km at 190°
Mount Swadener Mountain 77° 16.0' S 153° 45.0' W 16.4 km at 276°
Olson Island Island 77° 14.0' S 153° 17.0' W 7.4 km at 318°
Reeves Peninsula Peninsula 77° 24.0' S 152° 20.0' W 22.4 km at 126°
Sneddon Nunataks Nunatak 77° 17.0' S 153° 46.0' W 16.7 km at 270°
Sulzberger Basin Basin 77° 00.0' S 152° 30.0' W 34.7 km at 25°
Swinburne Ice Shelf Ice shelf 77° 10.0' S 153° 55.0' W 24.3 km at 302°
Webber Island Island 77° 17.0' S 153° 05.0' W Same spot
White Islands Island 77° 17.0' S 153° 10.0' W 2.0 km at 270°