Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
Collated by Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (Italy)
in the framework of the SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Geographic Information (SCAGI)
Sheppard Point (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)
Sheppard Point (The name as it would appear on a map)
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Feature type: Point
This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.
Names that other countries have for this feature:
N entrance point of Hope Bay, Trinity Peninsula, was surveyed by SwAE in 1903; re-surveyed in 1945 and named after Capt. Robert Carl Sheppard (1897-1954), of St John's, Newfoundland, Master of the charter ship Eagle (Eagle Cove, q.v.), 1944-45, on Operation "Tabarin", who in February 1945 landed the party to establish "Hope Bay"; Master of Trepassey (Trepassey Bay, q.v.) on charter to FIDS, 1945-46 (BA chart 3205, 23.ix.1949; APC, 1955, p.19; DOS 310 Hope Bay sheet, 1961). Punta Sheppard ([incorrectly referring to an unnamed point in 63°24'S 57°02'W] Argentina. MM, 1953, lower view p.314a; [correctly indicated] p.310; Pierrou, 1970, p.658; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.258). The point was further surveyed by FIDS in January 1955.
No images of this place could be found.
flora or
within 1.0 degree of this location
Place names
British or
place names within 1.0 degree of this location.