Trinity Island

Trinity Island (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Trinity Island  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Place ID: 14956
Name ID: 111652

Feature type: Island


This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


one of the N islands of Palmer Archipelago, separated from Davis Coast by Orléans Strait and forming E side of N end of Gerlache Strait. On 30 January 1820, Bransfield discovered land which he reported to lie in c.63°30'S 60°00'W and which he named Trinity Land (Trinity Peninsula, q.v.) after the "Trinity Board" (Corporation of Trinity House) (Bransfield, chart, [1820a]; Literary Gazette, 1821, p.746; BA chart [no number], 1822). The new land was further roughly charted by nineteenth-century sealers and the names South Land Whale Island (Davis, 1821-22, 20 October 1821) and Shoe Land (Pendleton, 1821-23, 13 November 1821) were applied probably to the present island. Terre de la Trinité (Eyriès and Malte-Brun, 1823, map facing p.237). Dreieinigkeits Insel [ translation of English name], Trinity Insel (Weddell, 1827, third end map). The name Trinity Land was later applied collectively to this island and to Tower Island (q.v.), which were shown as a peninsula of the mainland (Powell, chart 1828; d'Urville, 1842, p.13; Donald, 1894, map facing p.66; Larsen, 1894b, map facing p.333). Terre Trinity, Terre de Trinity, Terre de la Trinité, referring collectively to this island and to Tower Island (d'Urville, 1842, p.156, 176 and end map). Dreieinigkeits Land (Ross, 1847b, end map). Terre Trinité (Vincendon-Dumoulin, 1851, p.27). Tierra de la Trinidad (Spain. DH chart 458, 1861). The present feature was shown to be a separate island by GAE, 1873-74, which passed through Orléans Strait. Dreifeltigkeit Land [translation of English name] (Stefan, 1900, map facing p.532). Trinity Island (Arçtowski, 1901b, p.368 and map facing p.464; BA chart 3205, 31.x.1921; 25.iii.1937; APC, 1955, p.21; BA chart 3205, 23.xi.1962). Terra di Palmer, as part of Davis Coast (q.v.) (Gerlache, 1902a, end map). Terre de Palmer ou de la Trinity, Terra di Trinity (Gerlache, 1902b, p.140; 1902a, end map). The feature was further charted by SwAE in 1902 and its insularity confirmed. Isla Trinidad ([Irízar], 1903, map facing p.128; Pierrou, 1970, p.696; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.282). Palmer-Land, as part of Davis Coast (Cook, 1903, map following p.x). Île Trinity, Trinity Ön (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904c, map p.232-33; 1904a, Del.1, end map). Trinity Eiland (Ruys, 1905, map following p.88). Tierra de Trinidad (Sobral, [1907], p.141). Isola Trinità (Duse, 1907, p.137). Île Trinité (Charcot, 1910, map facing p.370). Île de Trinity (Bongrain, 1914, vue 14 following p.60). Tower Island (q.v.), in error (Wilson, chart, 1917). The island was further charted by Johannessen (chart, [1919-20]). Tower Hill Island, so called by whalers (Lester, 1920-22a, Vol. 1, p.43; Bagshawe, 1939, p.180). Trinity Ö (HA chart, 1928). Trinity-Öya (Risting, 1929, map p.33). Trinityöen, Trinitøy (Aagaard, 1930, end map; 1931). Dreifaltigkeits Insel (Stocks, chart, 1941). Île de la Trinité, as rejected form (USBGN, 1947, p.243). Ostrov Triniti (Soviet Union. BSE, 1950, map following p.484). Trinity- Øya (Rønne, 1950b, p.42). Isola Trinitee (Zavatti, 1958, Tav. 12-13). Ostrov Trojice [translation of English name] (Bártl, 1958, map facing p.144). The island was photographed from the air by FIDASE in 1956. Isla Trinity, as rejected form (Chile. IHA, 1974, p.282).

Named For


63° 48' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
60° 45' 00.0" W
Unknown precision
Not recorded
Unknown precision


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