Map 13113: Prince Charles Mountains, Lambert Glacier, Amery Ice Shelf: South

Map details

Map Number 13113
Title Prince Charles Mountains, Lambert Glacier, Amery Ice Shelf: South
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 2 000 000
Publication date October 2004
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage ( 56.0000° -71.0000°) , ( 83.0000° -71.0000°) , ( 83.0000° -76.0000°)
( 56.0000° -76.0000°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size 29.7 x 42 cm A3
Keywords Prince Charles Mountains , Lambert Glacier , Amery Ice Shelf , Twin Otter , Mawson ESCARpment , Grove Mountains , Topographic


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  1. An A3 print file (PDF)
  2. A zipped image (TIF)for use in Oziexplorer

Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Amery Region
  2. Oziexplorer maps

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS 84
Vertical datum Mean Sea Level
Magnetic variation 66 deg. 30' west at Mawson, 78 deg. 45' west at Davis, 71 deg. 04' west at Mt Cresswell
Nomenclature Australian Antarctic Names Gazetteer


Map extent