Map 13158: Antarctica and the Southern Ocean : Jurisdictional and Administrative Boundaries

Map details

Map Number 13158
Title Antarctica and the Southern Ocean : Jurisdictional and Administrative Boundaries
Edition 2 (Out of Date)
Previous edition [Previous edition : 1]
Next Edition [Next Edition : 3]
Scale 1 : 17 000 000
Publication date February 2006
Publisher -
Spatial coverage (-180.0000° -15.0000°) , (180.0000° -15.0000°) , (180.0000° -90.0000°)
(-180.0000° -90.0000°)
Projection Polar Stereographic
Physical size 86 x 116 cm
Notes Includes a table listing the member countries of the Antarctic Treaty System, COMNAP, CEP, CCAMLR and SCAR.
Some information in this map is no longer current. Refer to the latest edition for a more up to date map.
Keywords Antarctica , Southern Ocean , Comnap , CCAMLR , SCAR , Antarctic Treaty , Fao , Eez , Jurisdictional , Administrative Boundaries


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