Map 13165: Taylor Rookery, Mawson Coast. Map A : Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101

Map details

Map Number 13165
Title Taylor Rookery, Mawson Coast. Map A : Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101
Edition 1 (Out of Date)
Next Edition [Next Edition : 2]
Scale 1 : 250 000
Publication date February 2006
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage ( 60.8000° -67.3333°) , ( 62.9333° -67.3333°) , ( 62.9333° -67.7333°)
( 60.8000° -67.7333°)
Projection Universal Transverse Mercator
Physical size -
Notes Inset map showing location of Rookery Islands ASPA in Antarctica
Keywords Taylor Rookery , Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 101 , ASPA No. 101


This is a digital map available for downloading.

  1. An A4 print file (PDF)
  2. Antarctic Protected Areas Information Archive

Map Lists

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Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Nomenclature Australian Antarctic Names Gazetteer


Map extent