Map 13425: Antarctica: Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands

Map details

Map Number 13425
Title Antarctica: Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 100 000
Publication date August 2005
Publisher Antarctic Place-names Commission of Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
Spatial coverage ( -61.3589° -62.4072°) , ( -59.4247° -62.4072°) , ( -59.4247° -62.7633°)
( -61.3589° -62.7633°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size 67 x 99 cm
Notes The map features also photographic illustrations, and textual information on the history, geography, and scientific facilities on Livingston Island and Greenwich Island. Circulation 1802.
Alternative title Antarctica: Livingston and Greenwich Islands, South Shetland Islands (from English Strait to Morton Strait, with illustrations and ice-cover distribution)
Keywords Livingston Island , South Shetland Islands , Byers Peninsula , Rugged Island , Cape Shirreff , San Telmo Island , Ioannes Paules Ii Peninsula , Hurd Ice Cap , Huron Glacier , Greenwich Island , Varna Peninsula , Huntress Glacier , Rotch Dome , Hero Bay , Desolation Island , Topographic


  1. An image (JPEG)

Map Lists

No maps lists available.

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Vertical datum MSL (Mean Sea Level)
Nomenclature SCAR Composite Gazetteer


Map extent