Map 13487: Operations Map: 60°E to 115°E

Map details

Map Number 13487
Title Operations Map: 60°E to 115°E
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 2 000 000
Publication date June 2009
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage ( 60.0000° -65.0000°) , (115.0000° -65.0000°) , (115.0000° -77.0000°)
( 60.0000° -77.0000°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size 82.5 x 134.5 cm
Keywords Australian Antarctic Territory , Mac.Robertson Land , Prince Charles Mountains , Princess Elizabeth Land , Wilhelm Ii Land , Queen Mary Land , Wilkes Land , Mawson Coast , Lars Christensen Coast , Ingrid Christensen Coast , King Leopold And Queen Astrid Coast , Knox Coast , Shackleton Ice Shelf , West Ice Shelf , Amery Ice Shelf , Topographic


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Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Air transport maps
  2. Oziexplorer maps

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Nomenclature Names were sourced from the Australian Antarctic Gazetteer.


Map extent