Map 13612: Adelie Land and King George Land adjacent to the Cape Denison station

Map details

Map Number 13612
Title Adelie Land and King George Land adjacent to the Cape Denison station
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 355 000
Publication date 1942
Publisher Government Printing Office (Australia)
Spatial coverage (141.0000° -66.5833°) , (143.3667° -66.5833°) , (143.3667° -67.1667°)
(141.0000° -67.1667°)
Projection Not Given
Physical size 14 x 22.5 cm
Notes Published in the "Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-14, Scientific Reports. Series A: Volume 1, Part 2: Cartography" by Douglas Mawson. Map plate VI, p.314 Sydney: Government Printing Office, 1942. [Held in special Collection, Australian Antarctic Division Library]
Keywords Aladdin's Cave , Cathedral Grotto , Mount Lacroix , Mackellar Islets , Curzon Islets , Cape Discovery , Cape De Margerie , Point Alden , Laseron Islets , Hannam Islets , Fletcher Islet , Blair Islets , historical , Australasian Antarctic Expedition , AAE


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Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Cape Denison / Commonwealth Bay

Additional Information

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Map extent