Map 8169: Geomorphologisch-glaziologische Karte/Geomorphologic-glaciological Map 1:50 000, Borgmassivet, Neuschwabenland, Antarktis

Map details

Map Number 8169
Title Geomorphologisch-glaziologische Karte/Geomorphologic-glaciological Map 1:50 000, Borgmassivet, Neuschwabenland, Antarktis
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 50 000
Publication date 1989
Publisher Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Spatial coverage ( -4.0500° -72.4667°) , ( -3.1500° -72.4667°) , ( -3.1500° -72.6667°)
( -4.0500° -72.6667°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size -
Notes Geomorphologic-Glaciologic Map; Sources used for: Geomorphologic, Glaciologic and Topographic information and terms, Contours, Formlines, Spot heights, Ice thickness, Ground control, Aerial photography used for image interpretation, Stereophotogrammetric aerial photo evaluation, Geographical names and generic terms, see extensive and very detailed map legend; GPS Height reference and Ground control provided by the South African-German Antarctic Expedition 1984/85 (Surveys & Mapping Branch, Cape Town and Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie (Now: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie), Frankfurt am Main); Inset maps: Location diagram, Regional location and geographical names diagram; Map prepared by K. Brunk, Institut für Physische Geographie, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Printed and published by Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie (Now: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie), Frankfurt am Main.
Map projection parameters have been used according to the recommendations of SCAR WG on Geodesy and Geographic Information;
Brunk, K. (1989). Large-scale geomorphologic-glaciologic mapping of the arid high-polar Borgmassivet, Neuschwabenland, Antarctica. Berichte zur Polarforschung, Heft 66. Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven;
Brunk, K. (1986): Kartographische Arbeiten und deutsche Namengebung in Neuschwabenland, Antarktis, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe E, Heft 24, Teil I und II, Frankfurt am Main.
Reference see Notes
Alternative title Borg Massif
Keywords Geomorphology , Glaciology , Topography , Landform elements (Relief) , Glaciated area , Non-glaciated area , Morphologic process of glaciated areas , Supraglacial accumulation , Ice flow directions , Blue ice , Moraine , Crevasse , Ice fall , Spot height , Contour line , Ice thickness; Borgmassivet , Ritscherhochland , Maudheimvidda , Neuschwabenland , Borga , Charlesbreen , Høgsætet , Rindebotnen , Framrabben , Framryggen , Borggarden , Nålegga , Veten , Høgskavlen , Raudberget , Raudbergdalen , Raudbergpasset , Jøkulskarvet , Dalsnuten.


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Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS72
Vertical datum msl - 24 m (=Geoid height)
Nomenclature Norwegian map series Dronning Maud Land 1:250 000, Sheet F6, Index of German-language Antarctic place-names (1986), Illustrated Glossary of Snow and Ice, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, 2nd Ed. (1973) and Proposed New Terms and Definitions for Snow and Ice Features, Polar Record 18, No. 116, (1977).


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