Map 8358: Karten zur Schelfeiskinematik/Maps of Ice Shelf Kinematics, Topographische Karte und Satellitenbildkarte/Topographic Map and Satellite Image Map 1:500 000 Ekströmisen SR 29-30/SW, Antarktis

Map details

Map Number 8358
Title Karten zur Schelfeiskinematik/Maps of Ice Shelf Kinematics, Topographische Karte und Satellitenbildkarte/Topographic Map and Satellite Image Map 1:500 000 Ekströmisen SR 29-30/SW, Antarktis
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 500 000
Publication date 1989
Publisher Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven (Germany)
Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Forschungsstelle für physikalische Glaziologie, Universität Münster (Germany)
Institut für Vermessungskunde, Universität Braunschweig (Germany)
Institut für Erdmessung, Universität Hannover (Germany)
Spatial coverage ( -12.0000° -70.0000°) , ( -6.0000° -70.0000°) , ( -6.0000° -72.0000°)
( -12.0000° -72.0000°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size -
Notes SR 29-30/SW, Glaciologic/Topographic map (Ice front as of 1975 and 1986) and Satellite image map (23 November 1975), jointly produced and published in cooperation with German Research Institutes: Institut für Vermessungskunde, Universität Braunschweig; Institut für Erdmessung, Universität Hannover; Forschungsstelle für physikalische Glaziologie, Universität Münster; Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven and Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie (Now: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie), Frankfurt am Main; Sources used for: Topographic information, Satellite image mosaicking, Geocoding and Satellite image and Topographic map compilation, Glaciological terms, Ice Motion, Strain, Bathymetry, Altimetry, Contours, Formlines, Spot heights, Ground control, Geographical names and generic terms, see map legend and Sievers, J., et al. (1989); Inset maps: Ice motion rate, Strain rate, Magnetic variation, Routes of terrestrial, aerial and bathymetric surveys, Satellite imagery of Neumayer Station and surroundings, Location diagram, Index to adjoining map sheets, Geographical names diagram.
Reference Map projection parameters have been used according to the recommendations of SCAR WG on Geodesy and Geographic Information;
Sievers, J. et al. (1991): Die Topographische Karte und Satellitenbildkarte 1:500 000 Ekströmisen - Karten zur Schelfeiskinematic. Karten- und Vermessungswesen. Vol. I, No. 107, 49-54.
Alternative title Ekstroem Ice Shelf, Ekström-Schelfeis
Keywords Glaciology , Satellite imagery , Ice shelf , Grounding line , Ice wall , Ice rise , Ice rumples , Ice front , Inlet , Crevasse , Ice flowline , GPS Strain rate monitoring station , GPS Ice motion rate monitoring station , Contour line , Spot height , Bathymetry , Depth contour; Kapp Norvegia , Quarisen , Station Družnaja III (SU , 1987) , Station Druzhnaja III (SU , 1987) , Station Maudheim (NO , 1949) , Søråsen , Auståsen , Ekströmisen , Station Georg von Neumayer (DE , 1981) , Neumayereishöcker , Rüsseleishöcker , Atka-Eiskuppel , Sicheleishöcker , Atka Iceport , Atkabukta , Unneruskollen , Halvfarryggen.


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Additional Information

Accuracy Reliability data of glaciological, geophysical, bathymetric and topographic data, see map legend.
Horizontal datum WGS72
Vertical datum msl
Nomenclature International Map of the World, US Board on Geographic Names, List of Norwegian place-names of Dronning Maud Land (1992) and Norwegian map series Dronning Maud Land 1:250 000, Index of German-language Antarctic place-names (1986 and 1993), Index of Russian geographical names of the Antarctic (1987); Illustrated Glossary of Snow and Ice, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, 2nd Ed. (1973) and Proposed New Terms and Definitions for Snow and Ice Features, Polar Record 18, No. 116, (1977).


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