Map 8359: Topographische Karte des Meeresbodens und Eisuntergrunds/Map of subglacial and seabed topography 1:2000000, Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis/Weddell Sea, Antarktis

Map details

Map Number 8359
Title Topographische Karte des Meeresbodens und Eisuntergrunds/Map of subglacial and seabed topography 1:2000000, Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis/Weddell Sea, Antarktis
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 2 000 000
Publication date 1994
Publisher Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven (Germany)
Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Forschungsstelle für physikalische Glaziologie, Universität Münster (Germany)
Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo (Norway)
Sevmorgeologija, Sankt Peterburg (Russia)
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Spatial coverage ( -90.0000° -75.0000°) , ( -15.0000° -75.0000°) , ( -15.0000° -83.0000°)
( -90.0000° -83.0000°)
Projection Polar Stereographic
Physical size -
Notes Map published in cooperation with British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (UK), Sevmorgeologija, Sankt Peterburg (RU), Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven (DE), Forschungsstelle für physikalische Glaziologie, Universität Münster (DE), Norsk Polarinstitutt, Oslo (NO), Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie (Now: Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie), Frankfurt am Main (DE) in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Antarctic Treaty; Thematic map and Satellite image map Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis, Compilation of Seabed bathymetry contours (shipborne sonar measurements), Sub-glacial bedrock elevation contours (airborne radar and surface altimetry), Sub-ice shelf water column thickness (seismic sounding), and interpretation of Grounding line, Ice shelf front, Glacier and Ice stream margins (Landsat imagery); Inset maps: Location map, Geographical names diagram, Thematic data sources diagram, Sub-ice shelf water column thickness map, Five cross sections along Rutford Ice Stream, Foundation Ice Stream and Recovery Glacier to Weddell Sea, from Orville Coast across Berkner Island to Touchdown Hills, Prinzregent-Luitpold-Land and from Zumberge Coast across Berkner Island to Coats Land; Scientific preparation and Satellite imagery mosaicking and map compilation of the surrounding inland ice sheet, 17 further scientific references, Sources of English, Norwegian, Russian and German place-names, see map legend.
Reference Map projection parameters have been used according to the recommendations of SCAR WG on Geodesy and Geographic Information;
Vaughan, D.G. et al. (1995). Subglacial and seabed topography, ice thickness and water column thickness in the vicinity of Flchner-Ronne-Schelfeis, Antarctica. Polarforschung 64, 75-88;
Sievers, J., Grindel, A., Meier, W. (1989). Digital satellite image mapping of Antarctica. Polarforschung, 59, 23-33.
Alternative title Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf
Keywords Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme (FRISP) , Subglacial topography , Seabed topography , Bathymetry , Seabed bathymetry contours , Sub-glacial bedrock elevation contours , Sub-ice shelf water column thickness , Glaciology , Grounding line , Ice shelf front , Glacier and Ice stream margins; Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis , Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf , Ronne Ice Shelf , Station Filchner (DE , 1982) , Hemmen Ic Rise , Berkner Island , Reinwarthhöhe , Thyssenhöhe , Filchnerschelfeis , Henry Ice Rise , Doake Ice Rumples , Korff Ice Rise , Kershaw Ice Rumples , Orville Coast , Evans Ice Stream , Fowler Peninsula , Carlson Inlet , Fletcher Promontory , Rutford Ice Stream , Sentinel Range , Heritage Range , Skytrain Ice Rise , Hercules Inlet , Institute Ice Stream , Bungenstockrücken , Möllereisstrom , Foundation Ice Stream , Dufek Massif , Support Force Glacier , Recovery Glacier , Shackleton Range , Slessor Glacier , Theron Mountains , Bailey Ice Stream , Touchdown Hills , Station Belgrano II (ARG) , Prinzregent-Luitpold-Land , Caird Coast , Brunt Ice Shelf , Station Halley IV (UK , 1983) , Station Halley V (UK , 1990) , Coats Land , Weddell Sea.


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Additional Information

Accuracy See map legend
Horizontal datum WGS72
Vertical datum msl
Nomenclature Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica, UK Antarctic Placenames Committee, US Board on Geographic Names, List of Norwegian place-names of Dronning Maud Land (1992), Index of German-language Antarctic place-names (1988 and 1993), Index of Russian geographical names of the Antarctic (1987); Illustrated Glossary of Snow and Ice, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, 2nd Ed. (1973) and Proposed New Terms and Definitions for Snow and Ice Features, Polar Record 18, No. 116, (1977).


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