State of Environment

Indicator 83 - Quality of Potable Water at Australian Antarctic and Subantarctic Stations

Index: Description | Data | Custodian evaluation | Related resources | Parameters


Responsible organisation

Australian Antarctic Division ( Australia )


No custodians.

Theme area

Human Settlements

Indicator type


Criteria the indicator satisfies

The following 8 out of 15 criteria

4. Provide an early warning of potential problems
5. Be capable of being monitored to provide statistically verifiable and reproducible data that shows trends over time and, preferably, apply to a broad range of environmental regions
6. Be scientifically credible
7. Be easy to understand
8. Be monitored with relative ease
9. Be cost-effective
10. Have relevance to policy and management needs
14. Where possible and appropriate, use existing commercial and managerial indicators

Date input

Daily measurements

Monitoring location

Any Named places

Geographic coverage


Temporal range of the available data, as described by the metadata record, is from 01-May-1995 .

22-January-1930 to 24-June-2024
Number of data points

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Data usage constraints

' This data set conforms to the PICCCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data. '

Data access constraints

' More information (including the data) is available at the provided URL. '

Custodian evaluation

13 Apr 2004

Mawson April 2004 - Malcolm, results for pH, conductivity and turbidity of kitchen hot & cold tap, LQ cold tap and station tank are all within the recommended ranges given in the 1996 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The tank water turbidity although lower than the upper limit is quite high, but suspended matter seems to have settled out by the time it gets to your access taps. The pH has risen to now be in the recommended range. T. Bailey 13/4

28 Apr 2004

Macca April 2004 - Andy, all parameters tested for the kitchen cold tap, the LQ cold tap and the tank water were within the recommended ranges given in the 1996 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. All seems good at the moment. T. Bailey 28/4

22 Jun 2004

Casey June 2004 - All results look fine and are within the ranges given by the 1996 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, except the pH of the kitchen tap, which is slightly low. Let's see what it looks like next month.

22 Jun 2004

Mawson June 2004 - Turbidity and pH are outside the ranges given by 1996 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The Turbidity of LQ tap is also a bit high, but within guidelines. Note, if turbidity is above 1 NTU, some coliforms can be shielded from disinfection. The results for the kitchen taps look fine.

20 Jul 2004

Macca June 2004 - Hi Andy, all parameters tested in June for all sources were within the recommended ranges given in the 1996 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The turbidity although within range is over 1NTU, which can affect disinfection of coliforms/E. coli. Tim, with past history at Macca perhaps the plumbers should check the filtration of the water supply. T. Bailey 20/7

15 Jun 2005

Davis June 2005 - Hi Michael, thank you for the June water testing results. All parameters tested for kitchen, LQ and Science cold taps are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The kitchen & LQ turbidities are getting towards the high side. Joe, can you please check on whether the filters at the taps need changing. T. Bailey 15/6

30 Jan 2006

Mawson, January 2006 - Hi Jim, all the results are within the range set in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, but the turbidity of the tank water samples is > 1 NTU which can result in shielding from disinfection of some micro-organisms. The installation of the new filters after V4 should sort this. A. McEldowney 30/1

27 Feb 2006

Macquarie Island February 2006 - Hi Helen, those results look good, they are all within the ranges listed in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 27/2/06

27 Feb 2006

Davis February 2006 - Hi Graham, thanks for those results, they look very good and are all well within the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 27/2/06

6 Mar 2006

Mawson, February 2006 - Hi James, all the results of your potable water tests are within the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 6/3

31 Mar 2006

Macquarie Island March 2006 - Hi Helen, all parameters are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The results indicate good water quality. A.McEldowney 31-3-06

31 Mar 2006

Davis March 2006 - Hi Graham, all the results are within the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good quality water. The kitchen cold tap has pH towards the low end of the range and the turbidity has snuck up from last month. A. McEldowney

31 Mar 2006

Mawson, April 2006 - Hi James, all the results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking water guidelines, which indicates that everything is working well. A. McEldowney 31-1-06

3 Apr 2006

Casey March 2006 - Hi Lloyd, all the results are within the specifications listed in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The pH is at the low end of the acceptable range, and the turbidity at the kitchen hot tap and the operations cold tap it a little high. A. McEldowney 3/4/06

11 Sep 2006

Mawson September 2006 - Hi Jim, all results are within the ranges recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good quality drinking water. A. McEldowney 11/9

11 Sep 2006

Macquarie Is. September 2006 - Hi James, the situation doesn't seem to have improved since last month, with turbidity still a bit high on station, (though within acceptable limits) and prescence of coliforms at Bauer Bay. Were the filters checked as Trevor suggested last month?

11 Sep 2006

Davis, September 2006 - Hi Graham, all results are within the recommended ranges given in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good quality drinking water, A. McEldowney 11/9

3 Oct 2007

Mawson September 2007 - Hi Jo, the results from all taps are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Tank turbidity is still a bit high. A. McEldowney 3/10

3 Oct 2007

Davis September 2007 - Hi Luigi, all the test results are within the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, except the Kitchen cold tap which is below the recommended range of 6.5 to 8.5.

3 Oct 2007

Macquarie Island September 2007 - Hi James, the results of water tests from all of the station taps, and Green Gorge are within the limits recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating potable water. Water at Brothers Pt should still be boiled before consumption. A. McEldowney 3/10

16 Oct 2007

Casey October 2007 - Hi John, all the test results for this month look good except the pH which is a little below the limits recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 16/10

25 Mar 2008

Davis March 2008 - Hi Lloyd, good to see that coliforms read zero, indicating the problems experienced in January have been well and truly put to rest. The kitchen hot and LQ cold pHs are quite high. They should be less than pH 8.5 but are right up being 10 and 9.4 respectively. This has been a trend at Davis with a few taps exhibiting high pH off and on. These taps are different to the ones that had high pH towards the end of last year. Does anyone have any thoughts on why the values are up and down from month to month on a number of taps but not all at the same time? Apart from that, all is OK and within the limits set in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. T. Bailey 25/3/08

2 Jul 2008

Casey June 2008 - Hi Heleen, all the results this month are well within the ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good quality drinking water. A. McEldowney 2-7-08

22 Jul 2008

Davis July 2008 - Hi Lloyd, The kithchen hot tap conductivity is still too high, with all the other samples analysed under the limit. All the pH's are above the upper aethetic value recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. All the turbitity values are within specifications, including the tank sample, but the Science cold tap turbidity is up a bit, suggesting the filter might need looking at. A. McEldowney 22-7-08

8 Dec 2008

Davis November 2008 - Hi Madeleine, the potable water test results for this month look better than last month, but the pH is still above the limit given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines at the kitchen hot and the science cold taps. Turbidity is still a bit high in the tank, but OK at all taps tested. A. McEldowney 8/12

8 Dec 2008

Mawson November 2008 - Hi Peter, the results this month are similar to last month, with the high pH at the kitchen hot tap being the only result falling outside the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 8/12

8 Dec 2008

Casey December 2008 - Hi Heleen, all the potable water results for December fall within the recommendations given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 8/12

8 Dec 2008

Casey November 2008 - Hi Heleen, the results for November all look good, and are well within the ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 8/12

5 Jan 2009

McQuarie Is. December 2008 - Hi Helen, all results are within the recommendations set in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, although the kitchen hot tap turbidity is just above the desired level of 1 NTU. A. McEldowney 5/12/09

15 Jan 2009

Mawson January 2009 - Hi Peter, the potable water results for this month are mostly okay, but the pH is a bit on the high side, especially for the kitchen hot tap, based on the aesthetic recommendations of the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

27 Jan 2009

Davis January 2009 - Hi Madelaine, very variable results this month! The kitchen taps are both very high in turbidity, even higher than the tank, and the cold tap is positive for coliforms, while everything else looks good. It suggests to me that a filter to the kitchen area needs urgent attention, anyone else have any ideas? A. McEldowney 27/1/09

27 Jan 2009

Casey January 2009 - Hi Trevor, the potable water test results for this month all fall within the recommendations given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 27/1/09

28 Jan 2009

Macquarie Is January 2009 - Hi Helen, the potable water results for all taps tested are within the recommendations given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good quality drinking water. The presence of colifoms in the tank shows the subsequent disinfection is working.

16 Feb 2009

Davis February 2009 - Hi Madeleine, except for the science cold tap turbidity, all the results are within the recommendations given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. It might be worth re-doing the science cold tap turbidity as it seems suspiciously high. A. McEldowney 16/2/09

23 Feb 2009

Macquarie Is. February 2009 - Hi Helen, the potable water results for this month are all well within the range suggested in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, for good quality drinking water. A. McEldowney 23/2/09

23 Feb 2009

casey February 2009 - Hi Trevor, the potable water results for this month all fall within the recommendations of the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, but the pH is right at the lower end of the range, and the turbidities of all outlets are over 1 NTU which is the preferred level. A. McEldowney 23/2/09

7 Jul 2009

Macquarie Is July 2009 - Hi Lloyd, potable water at the base looks good. The potable water results for all taps tested for all parameters tested except the kitchen hot turbidity are within the recommended levels given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The in line filter to the hot water tap needs to be changed as indicated by the high turbidity. All other turbidities although in the high end of the range are within limits The two huts tested both give positive for coliforms, and as such should be boiled before use. T. Bailey 7/7

4 Aug 2009

Macquarie Is August 2009 - Hi Lloyd, a couple of problems with the potable water this month. All turbidities are high and the in-line filters need to be changed. The Science cold pH is just above the upper limit, and we should keep our eye on it. All other parameters tested are within the recommended levels given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. T. Bailey 4/8

22 Dec 2009

Mawson December 2009 - Hi Anne, the kitchen hot tap pH is still just above the recommended limit, but all other results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 22/12

22 Dec 2009

Casey December 2009 - Hi Kevin, all results are within the recommended ranges specified in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines except the tank pH which is a bit low, and the science cold tap which is just above. A. McEldowney 22/12

22 Jan 2010

Macquarie Is. January 2010 - Hi James, the station results are all within the recomended levels given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good quality water. The Bauer Bay water is quite high in coliforms and E. coli, and should be boiled before drinking. A.McEldowney 22/1

22 Jan 2010

Mawson January 2010 - Hi Anne, the tank turbidity is quite high, but the filters seem to be removing this alright at all taps except the kitchen cold tap which is a little high. The in-line filter probably needs replacing on this tap. The pH is also high on all outlets. Other parameters are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney 22/1

22 Jan 2010

Casey January 2010 - Hi Kevin, the tank turbidity is a bit high, and the science cold tap pH is just over the recommended range, but all other results are within the ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney 22/1

16 Feb 2010

Davis February 2010 - Hi Madeleine, all results are within the ranges given in the 2004 Austalian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 16/2

16 Feb 2010

Davis February 2010 - Hi Madeleine, all results are within the ranges given in the 2004 Austalian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 16/2

16 Feb 2010

Macquarie Is. February 2010 - Hi James, all results are within the ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A.McEldowney 16/2

26 Feb 2010

Casey February 2010 - Hi Kevin, all potable water test results are within the recommended limits given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good quality water. A. McEldowney 26/2

9 Mar 2010

Mawson March 2010 - Hi James, all results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Water Guidelines except the pH on the kitchen taps, the hot tap in particular is well above the recommendation. A. McEldowney 9/3

22 Mar 2010

Davis March 2010 - Hi Ben, the pH in the kitchen hot tap is again above the recommended limit given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, but all other parameters are within those ranges, indicating good potable water. A. McEldowney 22/3

29 Mar 2010

Casey March 2010 - Hi Kevin, the LQ cold tap pH is just above the recommended range, but all other measurements are within ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water guidelines. A.McEldowney 29/3

29 Mar 2010

Mawson March 2010 - Hi James, the kitchen hot tap pH is again quite high, but all the other results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney 29/3

30 Mar 2010

Macquarie Island March 2010 - Hi James, all the results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney 30/3

20 Apr 2010

Casey April 2010 - Hi Kevin, all results are within the ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

20 Apr 2010

Davis April 2010 - Hi Ben, the pH of the kitchen hot tap is above the recommended level, but all other results are within the ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney 20/4

4 May 2010

Mawson April 2010 - Hi James, that kitchen hot tap still has quite a high pH, and the other pH's are just over the recommended limit, but all other values are within the desired ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 4/5

17 May 2010

Davis May 2010 - Hi Ben, all results except the kitchen hot pH are within the ranged recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney 17/5

17 Jun 2010

Casey May 2010 - Hi Kevin, all results are within the ranges recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 17/6

17 Jun 2010

Davis June 2010 - Hi Ben, the kitchen hot tap is still a bit on the high side, but all other results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The tank turbidity is on the upper limit, but the filters are doing a good job of reducing that to acceptable levels. A.McEldowney 17/6

17 Jun 2010

Mawson May 2010 - Hi Jim, the kitchen hot tap is still a bit on the high side, but all other results are within the ranges recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney 17/6

29 Jun 2010

Casey June 2010 - Hi Kevin, all results are well within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good potable water. A.McEldowney

2 Jul 2010

Macquarie Is. June 2010 - Hi James, the results of all tested parameters are within the ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney 2/7

13 Jul 2010

Davis July 2010 - Hi Ben, the kitchen hot and living quarters cold taps both have contamination with coliform organisms. Given that coliforms are not detected in the other water samples, I suspect either the samples were contaminated or there is a local source of contamination at these taps. I suggest the filters should be changed, the taps should be flushed and cleaned and re-tested. The other results are all okay except for the kitchen hot tap pH. A.McEldowney

27 Jul 2010

Casey July 2010 - Hi Kevin, all water test results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, except for the science cold tap, which has an elevated pH. A.McEldowney

27 Jul 2010

Macquarie Island July 2010 - Hi James, all water test results fall within the recommended ranges of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

2 Aug 2010

Mawson July 2010 - Hi James, all results except the kitchen hot tap, are within the ranges recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

5 Aug 2010

Davis August 2010 - Hi Ben, all results look good this month, the only one out side the levels recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines is the kitchen hot tap pH. A.McEldowney

30 Aug 2010

Casey August 2010 - Hi Kevin, water from all the taps tested have values within the recommendations of the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good potable water. A.McEldowney

20 Sep 2010

Davis September 2010 - Hi Ben, the coliform count for the kitchen cold tap indicates there may be a need to change the filter on that tap, and thoroughly clean it. All other results are fine except for the usual high pH at the kitchen hot tap.

23 Sep 2010

Casey September 2010 - Hi Kevin, all results look good this month, A.McEldowney

30 Sep 2010

Mawson September 2010 - Hi James, all the drinking water test results look good this month. Sorry to hear you have had trouble with your conductivity meter, a replacement one will be there as soon as possible. A.McEldowney

5 Oct 2010

Davis October 2010 - Hi Ben, all the water test results look good this month except for the usual kitchen hot tap pH being a bit high. The science cold tap conductivity is a bit higher than the other outlets, perhaps due to lack of use. This isn't a problem, but you might want to run that tap for a minute before you take the sample next month. A.McEldowney

6 Oct 2010

Macquarie Island September 2010 - Hi James, the water test results this month are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The only problem is the positive coliform result for Brothers Pt hut, indicating the continuing need to boil water at the huts. A.McEldowney

25 Oct 2010

Casey October 2010 - Hi Kevin, all the water test values this month are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

1 Nov 2010

Mawson October 2010 - Hi James, with the exception of the kitchen hot pH, all results are within the ranges recommended in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

5 Nov 2010

Macquarie Island October 2010 - Hi James, the water test results for the station and Green Gorge are good. Bauer Bay is quite high in conductivity, though still within the recommended range given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The indication of coliforms confirms the requirement to boil this water before drinking. A. McEldowney.

9 Nov 2010

Davis November 2010 - Hi Ben, potable water test results for this month are all within the recommended ranges except for the kitchen hot tap pH. A.McEldowney

17 Nov 2010

Casey November 2010 - Hi Kate, all the potable water results look okay this month except for the tank conductivity of 999, could this be a typo? A.McEldowney

29 Nov 2010

Macquarie Island November 2010 - Hi James, the potable water test results for the station look good this month, all within recommended ranges. A.McEldowney

3 Dec 2010

Mawson November 2010 - Hi Anne, all the potable water results this month are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, except for the high pH on the kitchen hot tap. A.McEldowney

10 Dec 2010

Casey December 2010 - Hi Kate, all the potable water test results are within the recommended ranges of the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

5 Jan 2011

Mawson December 2010 - Hi Anne, the water test results this month are OK except for the kitchen hot tap pH. Also, the turbity on the kitchen cold tap is up a bit, and could indicate the need to change inline filters. A.McEldowney

5 Jan 2011

Davis December 2010 - Hi Clive, potable water test results for this month are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A. McEldowney.

5 Jan 2011

Macquarie Island December 2010 - Hi James, all the potable water test results this month are within the recommended ranges. A.McEldowney

20 Jan 2011

Mawson January 2011 - Hi Anne, the potable water results look okay this month. The pH of the kitchen hot tap is still high, and the turbidity of the Living Quarters cold tap is up a bit, higher than the tank water which suggests to me that the in-line filter at this tap needs changing. Happy new year, A.McEldowney

21 Jan 2011

Casey January 2011 - Hi Kate, all the potable water results this month are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

28 Jan 2011

Davis January 2011 - Hi Clive, potable water test results look pretty good this month, though I am a bit perplexed by the high LQ cold pH result. I know that you have water restrictions, but do you run the tap for a while before taking the sample, does this tap normally get lots of use? In any case, it isn't a problem in terms of water quality. A. McEldowney

10 Feb 2011

Macquarie Island January 2011 - Hi James, the potable water test results for the station this month look good, all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The water from Brothers Point is high in coliforms and should be boiled before drinking. A.McEldowney

17 Feb 2011

Mawson February 2010 - Hi Anne, the potable water results for this month look good, with only the pH of the kitchen hot tap outside the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

28 Feb 2011

Davis February 2011 - Hi Clive, the turbidity of the kitchen hot tap is higher than at all the other sample points, suggesting the in-line filter needs changing, although it is still within the recommended range given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The high pH on the LQ cold tap is a bit perplexing, but everything else looks good. A.McEldowney

28 Feb 2011

Casey February 2011 - Hi Kate, as usual, all the potable water test results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

8 Mar 2011

Mawson March 2011 - Hi Rich, all the potable water test results look good this month, with only the kitchen hot tap pH just outside the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

6 Apr 2011

Davis March 2011 - Hi Clive, the pH of the LQ cold and kitchen hot taps are just over the limit, but everything else is within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

6 Apr 2011

Casey March 2011 - Hi Kate, all measured parametetrs are within the recommeded ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, indicating good potable water.

27 Apr 2011

Macquarie Island April 2011 - Hi James, the presence of coliforms in the tank at Brothers Point, emphasises the need to boil the water at the huts, but all the other tested values indicate good quality potable water. A.McEldowney

28 Apr 2011

Davis April 2011 - Hi Lloyd, the kitchen hot tap and the tank pH values are over the recommended limit, but everything else is within the ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

28 Apr 2011

Casey April 2011 - Hi Kate, all the results look good again this month, keep up the good work. A.McEldowney

30 May 2011

Macquarie Island May 2011 - Hi James, the results for the station water supply are all within the recommended ranges, but the water at Bauer Bay and Brothers Point both have coliforms present, and must be boiled before use. A.McEldowney

30 May 2011

Davis May 2011 - Hi Lloyd, all results look good this month, just the pH of the kitchen hot tap outside the recommended ranges. A.McEldowney

6 Jun 2011

Casey May 2011 - Hi Kate, potable water test results are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

27 Jun 2011

Macquarie Island June 2011 - Hi James, Bauer Bay and Brothers Point huts have coliforms in their water supply, so this must be boiled before consumption. All other parameters are within acceptable limits. A.McEldowney

28 Jun 2011

Davis June 2011 - Hi Lloyd, this months results of potable water testing are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

30 Jun 2011

Casey June 2011 - Hi Kate, all measured potable water parameters are within the recommended ranges. A.McEldowney

29 Jul 2011

Davis July 2011 - Hi Lloyd, the potable water test results look good this month, with the only parameter outside the recommended ranges, being the pH of the kitchen hot tap. A.McEldowney

3 Aug 2011

Casey July 2011 - Hi Kate, the potable water test results for this month are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

10 Aug 2011

Macquarie Island August 2011 - Hi Eve, the potable water test results for the huts are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The turbidity of the station taps is a bit high, higher than the tank water, which suggests that the in-line filters on all the tested taps need replacing. All other results are fine. A.McEldowney

30 Aug 2011

Davis August 2011 - Hi Lloyd, the turbidity of the kitchen hot tap is a bit high, probably indicating that the in-line filter needs replacing. All other results look good this month. A.McEldowney

1 Sep 2011

Casey August 2011 - Hi Kate, all the potable water test results look good again this month. A.McEldowney

6 Sep 2011

Macquarie Island September 2011 - Hi Eve, potable water test results are all within the required ranges this month except for the sample from Brothers Point hut. The positive indication for coliforms and E.coli reinforces the requirement to boil water from the huts before consumption. A.McEldowney

3 Oct 2011

Casey September 2011 - Hi Kate, the potable water test results are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

3 Oct 2011

Davis September 2011 - Hi Lloyd, the results this month are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

3 Oct 2011

Mawson October 2011 - Hi Rich, the potable water test results are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

14 Oct 2011

Macquarie Island October 2011 - Hi Eve, the results for the station water supply look good again this month. The pH of the water from the huts is lower than the recommended level and coliforms were detected in the Hurd Pt sample. A.McEldowney

19 Oct 2011

Davis October 2011 - Hi Lloyd, all the potable water test results look good again this month. A.McEldowney

9 Nov 2011

Casey October 2011 - Hi Kate, all results reported this month are within the recommended limits of the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

15 Nov 2011

Macquarie Island November 2011 - Hi Eve, the results for the station water supply are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Coliforms were detected at Brothers Point, highlighting the requirement to boil all water at the field huts. A.McEldowney

28 Nov 2011

Mawson November 2011 - Hi Lloyd, all the values reported are within the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines recommendations, except the pH of the kitchen hot water tap. A.McEldowney

6 Dec 2011

Casey November 2011 - Hi Kate, all the results for potable water testing this month are within the ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A.McEldowney

8 Dec 2011

Macquarie Island December 2011 - Hi Eve, the results for the station water supply are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Coliforms were again detected at Brothers Point, highlighting the requirement to boil all water at the field huts. pH at Green Gorge is a bit below the recomended level D. Lang

8 Dec 2011

Davis November 2011 - Hi Jan, all the results for potable water testing this month are within the ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines Debbie Lang

1 Feb 2012

Casey January 2012 - Hi Caroline, all the tested values are within the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines A.McEldowney.

1 Feb 2012

Davis January 2012 - Hi Jan, all the potable water test results are within the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

1 Feb 2012

Mawson December 2011 - Hi Lloyd, the hot water tap pH is a bit on the high side but all other results are within the recommended ranges. A.McEldowney

1 Feb 2012

Mawson January 2012 - Hi Lloyd, all the results are within the ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines except for the tank water which is high in turbidity and pH and the kitchen hot tap which has usual high pH. A.McEldowney

14 Feb 2012

Mawson February 2012 - Hi Lloyd, all the results for potable water are within recommended ranges this month. The turbidity on the kitchen and LQ taps are however a bit higher than usual, when where the inline filters on these outlets last replaced? A.McEldowney

15 Feb 2012

Macquarie Island February 2012 - Hi Eve, the station water supply is good again this month, all results are within the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The water supply at the huts is fine too, except for the coliforms at Brothers Pt and Bauer Bay. A.McEldowney

27 Feb 2012

Davis February 2012 - Hi Jan, the potable water test results are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

15 Mar 2012

Casey March 2012 - Hi Sheri, all water test results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

15 Mar 2012

Macquarie Island March 2012 - Hi Eve, all water test results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

26 Mar 2012

Davis March 2012 - Hi Jan, all values reported this month for potable water test results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.A.McEldowney

29 Mar 2012

Casey March 2012 - Hi Sheri, the potable water test results are again this month all within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney Condition scale - Not set

2 Apr 2012

Mawson March 2012 - Hi Malcolm, the science cold tap turbidity is too high, the in-line filter probably needs replacing. Other than that, all results are within acceptable ranges. A.McEldowney

23 Apr 2012

Macquarie Island April 2012 - Hi Eve,all potable water test results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

23 Apr 2012

Mawson April 2012 - Hi Malcolm, the turbidity of the science cold tap is still very high, was the filter changed after last months result? All the rest of the results are within the acceptable range, except for the pH of the kitchen hot tap. A.McEldowney

1 May 2012

Davis April 2012 - Hi Jan, with the exception of the pH of the kitchen hot tap, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The kitchen cold tap has higher turbidity than the others, which may indicate the filter needs replacing. A.McEldowney

7 May 2012

Casey April 2012 - Hi Sheri, all looks good again this month, all results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

21 May 2012

Casey May 2012 - Hi Sheri, once again this month, all potable water test results are within the recommended ranges A.McEldowney

21 May 2012

Mawson May 2012 - Hi Malcolm, this month all tested potable water results are within the recommended ranges. A.McEldowney

25 May 2012

Macquarie Island May 2012 - Hi Mel, all the results for the station water supply are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The sample from Bauer Bay contains coliforms, confirming the need for water from the huts to be boiled. A.McEldowney

31 May 2012

Davis May 2012 - Hi Jan, except for the high pH of the kitchen hot tap, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

25 Jun 2012

Mawson June 2012 - Hi Malcolm, all results this month are within the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The turbidity of the science cold tap is towards the upper limit, it might be time to change the filter again. A. McEldowney

28 Jun 2012

Casey June 2012 - Hi Sheri, this month, all potable water test results are within the recommended ranges

28 Jun 2012

DAVIS June 2012 - Hi Jan, except for the high pH of the kitchen hot tap, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

2 Jul 2012

Macquarie Island June 2012 - Hi Mel, all the results for the station water supply are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The sample from Green Gorge contains coliforms, confirming the need for water from the huts to be boiled. Debie Lang

31 Jul 2012

Casey July 2012 - Hi Sheri, this month, all potable water test results are within the recommended ranges but the pH science cold tap is a little high Thanks Debbie

31 Jul 2012

Mawson July 2012 - Hi Malcolm, all the results are within the ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines except for the tank water which is high in turbidity Thankyou Debbie Lang

31 Jul 2012

Mawson July 2012 - Hi Malcolm, all the results are within the ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines except for the tank water which is high in turbidity Thankyou Debbie Lang

31 Jul 2012

DAVIS July 2012 - Hi Jan, except for the high pH of the kitchen Hot & Cold tap, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

2 Aug 2012

Macquarie Island April 2012 - Hi Melanie,all potable water test results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

2 Aug 2012

Macquarie Island July 2012 - Hi Melanie,all potable water test results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

23 Aug 2012

Mawson August 2012 - Hi Malcolm, all the results are within the ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines except for the tank water which is high in turbidity Thankyou Debbie Lang

5 Sep 2012

DAVIS August 2012 - Hi Jan, except for the high pH of the kitchen Hot tap, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

5 Sep 2012

Casey August 2012 - Hi Sheri, all looks good again this month, all results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

5 Sep 2012

Macquarie Island August 2012 - Hi Melanie,all potable water test results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

14 Sep 2012

Davis September 2012 - Hi Jan, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The Kitchen hot tap pH is a little high, Debbie Lang

14 Sep 2012

Mawson September 2012 - Hi Malcolm, all the results are within the ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines except for the tank water which is high in turbidity Thankyou Debbie Lang

1 Oct 2012

Macquqrie Island September 2012 - Hi Mel, all results submitted are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines except the conductivity at Caroline Cove, which is quite high. A.McEldowney

5 Oct 2012

Casey September 2012 - Hi Sheri, all pH values are a little below that recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines - recommended range is 6.5 to 8.5. This level is not of health concern. All other results are okay. A.McEldowney

15 Oct 2012

Mawson October 2012 - Hi Malcolm, except for the high pH of the kitchen hot tap, all results are within the ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

15 Oct 2012

Davis October 2012 - Hi Jan, this month all potable water test results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

24 Oct 2012

Casey October 2012 - Hi Sheri, the water test results from all taps tested look good this month. A.McEldowney

1 Nov 2012

Macquarie Island October 2012 - Hi Mel, all results submitted this month are within recommended ranges. A.McEldowney

8 Nov 2012

Davis November 2012 - Hi Jan, all potable water results are within recommended ranges this month (with the usual exception of the kitchen hot tap). A.McEldowney

16 Nov 2012

Mawson November 2012 - Hi Malcolm, all results reported this month are within the recommended ranges. A.McEldowney

21 Nov 2012

Casey November 2012 - Hi Nick, the pH of all samples except the tank is just below the level recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, but all other results are within range, indicating good quality potable water.A.McEldowney

4 Dec 2012

Macquarie Island November 2012 - Hi Mel, except for the coliforms in the tank sample, all results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. As discussed separately, the coliforms in the tank are a result of soil disturbance in the water catchment and subsequent treatment has effectively removed them. A.McEldowney

7 Jan 2013

Mawson December 2012 - Hi Mal, all reported potable water results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

7 Jan 2013

Casey December 2012 - Hi Nick, all reported potable water results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

7 Jan 2013

Davis December 2012 - Hi Malcolm, all reported potable water results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

21 Jan 2013

Macquarie Island January 2013 - Hi John, all the potable water results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The turbidity of some outlets is slightly higher than the tank, suggesting they may be due for a filter replacement?? Happy new year, A.McEldowney

21 Jan 2013

Mawson January 2013 - Hi Mal, all result are within the recommended ranges listed in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The turbidity of the kitchen and LQ cold taps are higher than normal, which may indicate their in-line filters are due for replacement. A.McEldowney

22 Jan 2013

Casey January 2013 - Hi Gerard, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. A.McEldowney

23 Jan 2013

Hi the significance of coliforms in kitchen cold tap ?

24 Jan 2013

Davis January 2013 - Hi Malcolm, a mixed bag of results this month. The presence of coliforms in the kitchen cold tap needs to be investigated. Given that the turbidity is a bit high, it probably means the in-line filter needs replacing. The housing and line through to the tap needs to be disinfected. The science cold tap turbidity is up a bit as well (though still acceptable), and might also need a filter change. Lastly, the conductivity has been increasing over the last few reporting periods and the kitchen tap is just over specification. Anyone know the reason - how's the RO plant coping? A.McEldowney

30 Jan 2013

Macquarie Island January 2013 - Hi John, field hut water tests were all negative for E.coli, but Green Gorge was positive for coliforms. The standing order to boil all water at the field huts before consumption should take care of this. A.McEldowney

31 Jan 2013

Hi Andrew, please review results.Kitchen hot tap clear but1coliform in thc cold. The hot and cold taps share the same faucet .Regards Mal. V.

1 Feb 2013

Davis January 2013 - Hi Malcolm, assuming the suggested filter replacement and cleaning was carried out, I'm a bit perplexed by these latest results. The turbidity of both kitchen outlets is still higher than normal, but the conductivity is much lower than before. Did you flush the lines adequately before taking these latest samples? All I can suggest is that you run the tap for a few minutes and repeat the test. A.McEldowney

22 Feb 2013

Casey January 2013 - Hi Chad, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

22 Feb 2013

Casey - Hi Chad, sorry I sent the wrong date it should be Casey February 2013 - all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

22 Feb 2013

Davis February 2013 - Hi Malcolm, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines Thankyou Debbie Lang

8 Mar 2013

Macquarie Island February2013 - Hi John, the results for the station water supply are all within the recommended ranges, But the positive at Caroline Cove indication for coliforms and E.coli reinforces the requirement to boil water from the huts before consumption. Thankyou Debbie Lang

14 Mar 2013

Mawson March 2013 - Hi Lloyd, For most parameters the water testing looks OK. The pH of 9.19 on the kitchen Hot tap is over the upper limit (8.5) but this can happen with hot water. Did the hot water come back to room temperature before you measured it? Thankyou Debbie Lang

18 Mar 2013

Davis March 2013 - Hi Malcolm, the results for the station water supply are all within the recommended ranges, exept the conductivity is a bit high can you please check the calibration on the conductivity meter - and re-test the tank, living quaters cold & kitchen cold tap - how's the RO plant copping Thankyou Debbie Lang

28 Mar 2013

Davis March 2013 - Hi Malcolm, Thankyou for retesting the living quaters, Kitchen cold tap & the Tank water the results are still high but the LQ & Kitchen taps came down & the Tank went up if you continue to have problems we have another conductivity meter in the Laborortary in the microscope lab on the bench or in the cupboard above, you could use this to compare the results between the two meters & probes - Thankyou Debbie Lang

28 Mar 2013

Casey March 2013 - Hi Chad, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines - Thankyou Debbie Lang

4 Apr 2013

Macquarie Island March 2013 - Hi Clive, the results for the station water supply are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines - Thankyou Debbie Lang

18 Apr 2013

Mawson April 2013 - Hi Lloyd the tank turbidity is quite high, but the filters seem to be removing this alright at all taps Thankyou Debbie lang

22 Apr 2013

Davis April 2013 - Hi Malcolm, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines - Thankyou Debbie Lang

16 May 2013

Mawson May 2013 - Hi Lloyd the tank turbidity is high, the Science cold tap is also over the Australian drinking water guidelines, but the filters seem to be removing this alright at the other taps Thankyou Debbie lang

16 May 2013

Davis May 2013 - Hi Malcolm, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, - Thankyou Debbie Lang

28 May 2013

Macquarie Island May 2013 - Hi Clive, the results for the station water supply are all within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines - Thankyou Debbie Lang

12 Jun 2013

CASEY May 2013 Hi Chad, except for the high pH of the Science cold tap, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

24 Jun 2013

Mawson June 2013 - Hi Lloyd the tank turbidity is high, but the filters seem to be removing this alright at all taps Thankyou Debbie lang

24 Jun 2013

Davis June 2012- Hi Malcolm, the kitchen cold tap has contamination with coliform organisms. Given that coliforms are not detected in the other water samples, I suspect either the sample was contaminated or there is a local source of contamination at this tap. I suggest the filters should be changed, the taps should be flushed and cleaned and re-tested. The other results are all okay Thank you Debbie Lang

1 Jul 2013

Macquarie Island June 2013 - Hi Clive, all the results for the station water supply are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The sample from Green Gorge contains coliforms, confirming the need for water from the huts to be boiled. Debbie Lang

1 Jul 2013

CASEY June 2013 Hi Chad, except for the high pH of the Science cold tap, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

12 Jul 2013

Mawson July 2013 - Hi Lloyd the results for the station water supply are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines but the tank turbidity is high, the filters seem to be removing this alright at all taps also the pH on the Kitchen hot tap is high Thankyou Debbie lang

23 Jul 2013

Davis July 2013 - Hi Malcolm, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, - Thankyou Debbie Lang

5 Aug 2013

Casey: July 2013 Hi Chad, except for the high pH of the Science cold tap, all reported results are within the ranges recommended in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Debbie Lang

5 Aug 2013

Macquarie Island July 2013 - Hi Clive, except for the coliforms in the tank sample, (Please ensure appropriate barriers are maintained & re-test tank) all other results are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Thankyou Debbie Lang

8 Aug 2013

Mawson August 2013 - Hi Lloyd the results for the station water supply are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

13 Aug 2013

Davis August 2013 - Hi Malcolm, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, - Thankyou Debbie Lang

3 Sep 2013

Macquarie Island August 2013- Hi Clive, the presence of coliforms in the tank at Brothers Point, emphasises the need to boil the water at the huts, but all the other tested values indicate good quality potable water. Debbie Lang

17 Sep 2013

Mawson September 2013 - Hi Lloyd the results for the station water supply are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, but the pH is a bit high on all taps. Thankyou Debbie Lang

17 Sep 2013

Davis September 2013 - Hi Malcolm, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, - Thankyou Debbie Lang

3 Oct 2013

Macquarie Island September 2013 - Hi Clive, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, - Thankyou Debbie Lang

3 Oct 2013

Casey September 2013 - Hi Chad, all the results reported are within the recommended ranges given in the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, - Thankyou Debbie Lang

For definitions of the Scale categories, consult the Explanation of the Status Categories

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The properties link can be used to view details of the parameters measured for this indicator.

Parameter Name Unit of measure Properties
Coliforms organisms per 100 ml Properties
Conductivity micro Siemens per centimetre Properties
E. coli organisms per 100 ml Properties
pH Properties
Turbidity NTU Properties

The following parameters and/or sensor notes are from the metadata record.



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Download page for Australian Antarctic Data Centre