1956/57 V2 details

General information



Kista Dan

©AAD, Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 1955
Catalogue id
Kista Dan
Albion, Patrick


Voyage Leader

Phillip Garth Law

Deputy Voyage Leader

Louis Edward (Lem) Macey

Voyage Objectives

Changeover Mawson, estab. Davis


This 11,560 nautical mile (21,410 km) voyage established Vestfold Hills on 13 Jan 1957. Kista Dan then made a rendezvous with US ships Glacier, Arneb and Grenville Victory or Arneb? at the Vincennes Bay ice edge to collect ANARE expeditioners on board and refuel. (Hannan, Wheeler, Johns, Arnel, King, Lee and Nilsson boarded Northwind in Wellington, NZ and boarded Kista Dan in Vincennes Bay 25 Jan 1957). Mawson was relieved and new buildings completed. A field station was established near Taylor Glacier, 100km west of Mawson, and was relieved by air every 6 weeks. Coastal air reconnaissance continued.

Voyage Reports

No reports known - if you know of any, please contact the Data Centre and we can add them.


Melbourne  17-Dec-1956  Davis  12-Jan-1957 
Davis  20-Jan-1957  Mawson  2-Feb-1957 
Mawson  17-Feb-1957  Davis  20-Feb-1957 
Davis  21-Feb-1957  Iles Kerguelen  27-Feb-1957 
Iles Kerguelen  27-Feb-1957  Melbourne  12-Mar-1957 

See also List of sitreps - not guaranteed to work as voyage naming conventions are not consistent.

See the 1956/57 Voyage Schedule for other voyages for this season.

Voyage track

Spatial bounds of voyage

No track has been constructed.

Voyage Data and Activities

Voyage activities

There are no data related activities recorded for this voyage.


There is no weather data for this voyage.

Science Projects

Note - this page lists projects where there has been some requirements logged. This may include requests that are not directly associated with any science performed on the ship.

No Australian Antarctic Science Projects for voyage. See Current and Previous Projects for details on other projects.