1987/88 V5.1 details

General information



Lady Lorraine


Voyage Leader

Not recorded


Nella Dan grounded on 3 Dec 1987 and was eventually scuttled in deep water on 24 or 25?? Dec 1987. The oil rig tug and supply vessel was chartered by the salvage company AUSTPAC, to transport a team of divers and its equipment, representatives of the insurers, the owner's (Danish Lauritzen company) marine superintendent and representatives of the Commonwealth Department of Transport and Communications to the Island

Voyage Reports

No reports known - if you know of any, please contact the Data Centre and we can add them.


Skeds not available for this voyage.

Voyage track

Spatial bounds of voyage

No track has been constructed.

Voyage Data and Activities

Voyage activities

There are no data related activities recorded for this voyage.


There is no weather data for this voyage.

Science Projects

Note - this page lists projects where there has been some requirements logged. This may include requests that are not directly associated with any science performed on the ship.

No Australian Antarctic Science Projects for voyage. See Current and Previous Projects for details on other projects.