Name details

Bellingshausen Sea

Bellingshausen Sea (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Bellingshausen Sea  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory Id 107742

Feature type: Sea


This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


between Alexander Island and Thurston Island, S of Peter I Øy, was discovered by RAE in January 1821. FAE, 1908-10, applied the name Mer de Bellingshausen to the sea area centred in 67°S, between 85°W and 100°W, after Adm. Thaddeus Thaddevich Bellingshausen (1779-1852), of the Imperial Russian Navy, Commander of RAE (Rouch, 1911, p.1; Charcot, 1912, Pl. 8), and the name Mer de la Belgica to the sea area centred in 70°30'S, between 85°W and 100°W, after Belgica, expedition ship of BeAE (Charcot, 1912, Pl. 8). Bellingshausen Sea, loosely for the sea area N, NW and W of Alexander Island, or between SW Graham Land and 98°W, with S limit the Antarctic mainland (Mill, 1912, map following p.420; BA chart 3175, 1.iii.1940; APC, 1955, p.5; DCS 960 Falkland Islands and Dependencies sheet, 1955). Mar de Bellingshausen (Hoxmark, 1924; Pierrou, 1970, p.198; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.94). Belgica Sea (Bellingshausen Sea) (AGS map, [1929c]). von Bellingshausens Hav (Aagaard, 1930, end map). Bellingshausen See (Germany. OK chart 1064, 1938). Mar Bellingshausen (Argentina. MM chart 65, 1940). Bellinghausen [sic]-See (Breitfuss, 1943, Tafel 38). Bellingshausen Hav (Hansen, chart [no number], 1947). Bellingshausenin Meri (Andersson, 1948, end map). More Bellinsgauzena (Bender, 1948, map p.47). Mar de O'Higgins, after Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme (Antarctic Peninsula, q.v.) (Orrego Vicuña, 1948, p.197 and end map). Mar de Billingshausen [sic] (Argentina. MM, 1953, p.55). Mer Belgica, extending N to c. 64 S (Kosack, 1954, Tafel 46). More Bel'zhika (Guretskiy, 1954, p.458). In 1954 the name Bellingshausen Sea was restricted to the sea area between Alexander Island and Thurston Island, S of Peter I Øy (BA chart 3175, 12.xi.1954; APC, 1977, p.5). Belgica Meer (Kosack, 1955a, p.223). Bellingshaus-See (Capurro, 1955, p.139). Mar de Bellinghaussen [sic] (Capurro, 1955, p.1). Mer Bellingshausen (France. SHM chart 5879, 1956). Bellingshausenhavet (Frödin, 1956, Front.). Bellinghausen [sic] Sea (Anderson, 1957, p.145). Bellinsghaussen [sic] (Argentina. MM, 1957a, p.152). Bellingshausen Zee (Knapp, 1958, p.569). Mare Belgica (Zavatti, 1958, Tav. 12-13). Mare di Bellingshausen (Zavatti, 1958, Tav. 6, 9). More Bellingshausenovo (Bártl, 1958, map facing p.144). Morzu Bellingshausena (Fuchs and Hillary, 1959f, p.41). Mar de Belligshausen [sic] (del Valle and others, 1974, Fig. 3, p.22). Bellingshajen Sea [sic] (USDMAAC chart JNC-116N, 1975). Morze Bellingshausena (Birkenmajer, 1979b, map Fig. 1, p.2). [Bellingshausen Island, South Sandwich Islands, and Bellingshausen Point, South Georgia, are also named after Adm. T. T. Bellingshausen (Hattersley-Smith, 1980b, p.21).]

Named For


71° 00' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
85° 00' 00.0" W
Unknown precision
Not recorded
Unknown precision


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