Name details

Green Range

Green Range (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Green Range  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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New Zealand Gazetteer Id 139162

Feature type: Range


This name originates from New Zealand. It is part of the New Zealand Gazetteer and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.


A distinct range including peaks glaciers valleys ridges and spurs trending generally north-south for approximately 12km. Midpoint is approximately 600m high descending to approximately 200m at its northern and southern ends. Located at the northernmost end of Queen Alexandra Range between King Glacier and The Gateway near the terminus of Beardmore Glacier as it flows into Ross Ice Shelf. Northern-most position: 83°27'30'S latitude 170°40'E longitude; midpoint position: 83°31'S latitude 170°43'E longitude; southern-most position: 83°34'S latitude 170°50'E longitude. USGS reconnaissance map 1:250K SU56-60/15.

Named For

Named by the NZGB for Allan Green, Professor Emeritus at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. He has over 35 years of research experience in the Ross Sea Region, as well as the maritime Antarctic and the adjacent Tierra del Fuego. He is recognised for his research achievements in Antarctic and lichen ecophysiology. He facilitated the first visit of a biological team to the Beardmore Glacier Region in over 50 years as well as the first comprehensive biological survey of the area. In June 2013 he was also awarded the New Zealand Antarctic Medal, as part of the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.


83° 28' 22.4" S
Unknown precision
170° 40' 15.9" E
Unknown precision
760 m
Unknown precision


No images of this place could be found.



Location Method:
Source Name:
0.5m Antarctic Imagery Mosaic DigitalGlobe Inc 2018
Source Identifier:
Source Scale:
Source Institution:
Source Person:
Source Publisher:
Polar Geospatial Center
Remote sensing:
Not Applicable


Coordinates also checked against REMA 8m mosaic tile 23_32 and 24_32. Height from approximate SW corner of range at -83.55397 170.74408, where it splits from rest of Queen Alexandra Range

Approval status

Date approved:

Display Scales

Note These display scales were chosen for use by Australia, with an emphasis on East Antarctica.
          For example, selecting 'Aus_display_scale_20M' would only return names that would appear on a 1:20 million scale map.

Aus_display_scale_20M: No      Aus_display_scale_10M: No     
Aus_display_scale_5M: No      Aus_display_scale_2M: No     
Aus_display_scale_1M: No      Aus_display_scale_500k: No     
Aus_display_scale_250k: No      Aus_display_scale_100k: No     
Aus_display_scale_50k: No      Aus_display_scale_25k: No     
Aus_display_scale_10k: No      Aus_display_scale_5k: No     
Aus_display_scale_1k: No     

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