Map 12952: Aerial photography flight lines on SQ 49-50

Map details

Map Number 12952
Title Aerial photography flight lines on SQ 49-50
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 1 000 000
Publication date July 1973
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage (108.0000° -64.0000°) , (120.0000° -64.0000°) , (120.0000° -68.0000°)
(108.0000° -68.0000°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size 58.5 x 64 cm
Notes Inset: Windmill Islands area 1:250,000
For the latest flight line information refer to the Aerial Photograph Catalogue
Reference SQ49-50
Keywords Air Photography , Knox Coast , Budd Coast , Sabrina Coast , Windmill Islands , Law Dome , Flight Lines


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