Map 13379: Geology of the Larsemann Hills

Map details

Map Number 13379
Title Geology of the Larsemann Hills
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 25 000
Publication date July 2007
Publisher Geoscience Australia (Australia)
Spatial coverage ( 75.9000° -69.3333°) , ( 76.5500° -69.3333°) , ( 76.5500° -69.4667°)
( 75.9000° -69.4667°)
Projection Universal Transverse Mercator
Physical size 64 x 121 cm
Notes Compiled by C.J. Carson, E.S. Grew (2004) and D.E. Thost (1997)
Published jointly by the Australian Antarctic Division and Geoscience Australia
Keywords Larsemann Hills , Dalk Glacier , Thala Fjord , Quilty Bay , Wilcock Bay , Clemence Fjord , Nella Fjord , Mcleod Island , Osmar Island , Barry Jones Bay , Donovan Promontory , Manning Island , Lovering Island , Lied Promontory , Fisher Island , Sandercock Island , Easther Island , Betts Island , Stornes , Grovnes , Broknes , Geology


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Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Larsemann Hills
  2. Geological maps

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Vertical datum Mean sea level
Magnetic variation Grid/Magnetic angle 77 deg 28 min. Magnetic North moves westerly by approx. 8 min per year.
Nomenclature Australian Antarctic Names and Medals Committee


Map extent