Map 13939: Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

Map details

Map Number 13939
Title Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
Edition 9 (Out of Date)
Previous edition [Previous edition : 8]
Next Edition [Next Edition : 10]
Scale 1 : 20 000 000
Publication date March 2011
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage (-180.0000° -35.0000°) , (180.0000° -35.0000°) , (180.0000° -90.0000°)
(-180.0000° -90.0000°)
Projection Polar Stereographic
Physical size 42 x 59.5 cm
Notes The reverse side of the map includes information about Antarctica, a map showing territorial claim boundaries and the CCAMLR Statistical Reporting Area and a distance matrix.
Keywords CCAMLR , Claim , Distance , Topographic


This is a digital map available for downloading.

  1. National Library of Australia Bib ID 5299917 (External site)
  2. A LZW compressed TIFF
  3. A LZW compressed TIFF (back)
  4. A print file (PDF)
  5. A print file (PDF) (back)

Map Lists

No maps lists available.

Additional Information

Nomenclature Names from the SCAR Composite Gazetteer


Map extent