Map 14349: Stations in East Antarctica [with territorial claims shown, includes year-round and seasonal stations]

Map details

Map Number 14349
Title Stations in East Antarctica [with territorial claims shown, includes year-round and seasonal stations]
Edition 2
Previous edition [Previous edition : 1]
Scale 1 : 9 000 000
Publication date 17 February 2015
Publisher Australia
Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage (-180.0000° -60.0000°) , (180.0000° -60.0000°) , (180.0000° -90.0000°)
(-180.0000° -90.0000°)
Projection Polar Stereographic
Physical size -
Notes The year-round and seasonal stations are as listed in a spreadsheet of antarctic facilities dated 15 May 2013 and available from the COMNAP website.
The location of Jang Bogo, the proposed Belarusian station and the proposed Chinese station in the Grove Mountains area are from papers presented to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM).
The location of the proposed Chinese station in the Ross Sea area is from a media statement by the Chinese government. Edition two of this map includes an overview map and the Chinese station Tiashan is labelled.
Keywords Topographic


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Map Lists

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  1. East Antarctica

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84


Map extent