Map 5439: Indian Ocean, Antarctic Coast: Bowman Island to Cape Poinsett

Map details

Map Number 5439
Title Indian Ocean, Antarctic Coast: Bowman Island to Cape Poinsett
Edition -
Scale 1 : 500 000
Publication date June 1958
Publisher Administration of the Chief of the Naval Hydrographic Service (Russia)
Spatial coverage (103.3333° -64.2500°) , (113.5000° -64.2500°) , (113.5000° -67.3333°)
(103.3333° -67.3333°)
Projection Mercator
Physical size -
Notes Indian Ocean: Antarctic Coast: Bowman Island to Cape Poinsett Dyeline copy only - original held at the National Library of Australia
Reference 5999
Alternative title Indiyskiy Okean: Poberezh'e Antarktidy: Ot Ostrova Bouman do Mysa Poynsett
Keywords Bowman Island , Cape Poinsett


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