State of Environment

Indicator 8 - Monthly mean atmospheric pressure at Australian Antarctic Stations

Index: Description | Data | Custodian evaluation | Related resources | Parameters


Indicator Definition
Monthly means of three-hourly pressures, reduced to mean sea level, for
Australian Antarctic stations Casey, Davis, Mawson and Macquarie Island.

Responsible organisation

Bureau of Meteorology, Department of the Environment and Heritage ( Australia )


No custodians.

Theme area


Indicator type


Criteria the indicator satisfies

The following 11 out of 15 criteria

1. Serve as a robust indicator of environmental change
2. Reflect a fundamental or highly-valued aspect of the environment or an important environmental issue
3. Be either national in scope or applicable to regional environmental issues of national significance
4. Provide an early warning of potential problems
5. Be capable of being monitored to provide statistically verifiable and reproducible data that shows trends over time and, preferably, apply to a broad range of environmental regions
6. Be scientifically credible
7. Be easy to understand
8. Be monitored with relative ease
9. Be cost-effective
13. Contribute to the fulfillment of reporting obligations under international agreements
15. Where possible and appropriate, be consistent and comparable with other countries� and state and territory indicators

Date input

Monthly measurements

Monitoring location

Geographic coverage

Rationale For Indicator Selection
Measurement of the pressure over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean is
considered important for monitoring behaviour of pressure systems on a local
and global scale, which will help to interpret global climate change.

Design and Strategy For Indicator Monitoring Program
Spatial Scale: Australian Antarctic stations: Casey (lat 660 16' 54.5" S,
long 1100 31' 39.4" E), Davis (lat 680 34' 35.8" S, long 770 58' 02.6" E),
Mawson (lat 670 36' 09.7" S, long 620 52' 25.7" E) and Macquarie Island
(lat 540 37' 59.9" S, long 1580 52' 59.9" E).

Frequency: Monthly.

Measurement technique: Barometry.

Research Issues
There is need to develop a high-quality data set from the available data,
correcting erroneous data and estimating missing data. Adjustment may be
necessary for changes in site location or exposure, and for changes in
instrumentation or observing practices.

Some of these changes are documented in the station history files held by the
Regional Observations Section. These history files are currently held as paper
records, although more recent information is held electronically and there is
an effort to digitise the older records.

Before the data can be used for the detection of change, a concerted effort
will need to be made to identify deficiencies in the data, and then make
compensations where possible. This is made more difficult by the lack of
suitable comparison sites.


Temporal range of the available data, as described by the metadata record, is from 01-Apr-1948 .

April-1948 to March-2020
Number of data points

To view or download any of the data, you must be logged in

Data quality, interpretation and analysis of indicator data

Data usage constraints

'This data set conforms to the PICCCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data.'

Data access constraints

'Data arising from this project are available from the state of the environment indicator URL given below.'

Custodian evaluation

8 May 2002

The data show that there has been a significant decrease in monthly mean atmospheric pressure at the Antarctic sites, but not at Macquarie Island. The anomaly data, which show the difference between the value for a given month and the long-term mean value for that month, support this observation.

It should be noted that the data have not been corrected for any changes in site location, site exposure, instrumentation or observing practices.

7 Nov 2002

Condition scale - 5
1 - the environment degraded to the point where rehabilitation is impossible
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 - the environment is pristine, in perfect condition, no anthropogenic influences
State of Knowledge scale - 4 - Fair
1 - Poor
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 - Excellent

5 Aug 2004

The significant decrease in monthly mean atmospheric pressure at the Antarctic sites has continued. Pressure has also declined at Macquarie Island of late, but the long-term decrease there is not significant.

Condition scale - 4 - fair condition
1 - the environment degraded to the point where rehabilitation is impossible
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 - the environment is pristine, in perfect condition, no anthropogenic influences
State of Knowledge scale - 5
1 - Poor
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 - Excellent

For definitions of the Scale categories, consult the Explanation of the Status Categories

Related resources

Project 805 - Meteorology Observations
Scientific Bibliography 17261 - CSIRO Impacts and Adaptation Working Group (IAWG) (2001) Climate Change Impacts for Australia. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Aitkenvale, Queensland, pp 8
Scientific Bibliography 17262 - White, W.B. & Peterson, R.G. (1996) An Antarctic Circumpolar Wave in Surface Pressure, Wind, Temperature and Sea-Ice Extent. Nature, Volume 380, pp 699-702.
Scientific Bibliography 17264 - CSIRO (2001) Climate Change Projections for Australia. Climate Impact Group, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Melbourne pp.8
SOE Indicator 1 - Monthly mean air temperatures at Australian Antarctic Stations
SOE Indicator 2 - Highest monthly air temperatures at Australian Antarctic Stations
SOE Indicator 3 - Lowest monthly air temperatures at Australian Antarctic Stations
SOE Indicator 4 - Monthly mean lower stratospheric temperatures above Australian Antarctic Stations
SOE Indicator 5 - Monthly mean mid-tropospheric temperatures above Australian Antarctic Stations
SOE Indicator 7 - Monthly mean of three-hourly wind speeds (m/s)
SOE Indicator 38 - Mean sea level for the Antarctic region
SOE Indicator 62 - Water levels of Deep Lake, Vestfold Hills


The properties link can be used to view details of the parameters measured for this indicator.

Parameter Name Unit of measure Properties
Air pressure hPa Properties
Air Pressure Anomaly hPa Properties

The following parameters and/or sensor notes are from the metadata record.







Related URLs
Citation reference for this metadata record and dataset
Download page for Australian Antarctic Data Centre