1983/84 V6 details

General information



Lady Franklin

©AAD, Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 1988
Catalogue id
Bain, Gordon


Voyage Leader

Ian Thomas Marchant

Deputy Voyage Leader

Vince J Restuccia

Voyage Objectives

Sub chartered from French


Lady Franklin left Hobart on the evening of 20 Jan with 5 members of Casey 1984, on what was to be a fast, efficient and uneventful voyage. Davis was reached in under 11 days, helped by generally smooth seas and minimal light pack ice. Thirty-six hours later, after landing about 200 tonnes of cargo, the ship was on its way to Casey. A day out of Davis, Lady Franklin passed the private expedition schooner Dick Smith Explorer which was on its way from Davis to Australia via the Soviet Station, Mirny. Again smooth conditions with minimal ice prevailed, and the ship arrived at Casey late in the evening of 5 Feb. Unloading was favoured by calm weather, in contrast to the usually windy conditions at Casey only days before. The ship's efficient cargo-handling equipment allowed about 1400 tonnes of cargo to be put ashore in 5 days. Lady Franklin returned 19 members of Casey 1983 and 26 members of a multi-role summer party comprising airfield investigators, glaciologists, builders and helicopter aircrew. The ship reached Hobart on 17 Feb. Source: Antarctic Division Annual Review 1983-84

Voyage Reports

No reports known - if you know of any, please contact the Data Centre and we can add them.


Hobart  20-Jan-1984  Davis  31-Jan-1984 
Davis  1-Feb-1984  Casey  5-Feb-1984 
Casey  10-Feb-1984  Hobart  17-Feb-1984 

See also List of sitreps - not guaranteed to work as voyage naming conventions are not consistent.

See the 1983/84 Voyage Schedule for other voyages for this season.

Voyage track

Spatial bounds of voyage

No track has been constructed.

Voyage Data and Activities

Voyage activities

There are no data related activities recorded for this voyage.


There is no weather data for this voyage.

Science Projects

Note - this page lists projects where there has been some requirements logged. This may include requests that are not directly associated with any science performed on the ship.

No Australian Antarctic Science Projects for voyage. See Current and Previous Projects for details on other projects.