1995/96 R2 details

General information




©AAD, Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 1998
Catalogue id
Ledingham, Roderick B (Rod)


Voyage Leader

Not recorded

Voyage Objectives

MI / Davis Partial Resupply.


Voyage number is the French name. Voyage date span is from seabird observations.

Voyage Reports

No reports known - if you know of any, please contact the Data Centre and we can add them.


Hobart  15-Sep-1995  Macquarie Island  18-Sep-1995 
Macquarie Island  19-Sep-1995  Mawson  9-Oct-1995 
Mawson  11-Oct-1995  Davis  19-Oct-1995 
Davis  22-Oct-1995  Hobart  2-Nov-1995 

See also List of sitreps - not guaranteed to work as voyage naming conventions are not consistent.

See the 1995/96 Voyage Schedule for other voyages for this season.

Voyage track

Spatial bounds of voyage

42° 54.0' S
143° 00.0' E 147° 22.2' E
66° 35.4' S

No track has been constructed.

Voyage Data and Activities

Biological Collections

List of collections of species data collected on this voyage. Some collections are voyage specific or might be from a wider set of observations or samples.

Collection NameObservation countLink to data search form
Seabirds of the Southern and South Indian Ocean 410 Search

Voyage activities

Wildlife at Sea observations Observed 30 species from 435 observations. See Species and observation count - Link to data at Wildlife at Sea observations

Observers: ?

Data from 7-Dec-1995 07:30 UT to 13-Dec-1995 08:00 UT

For data quality, methods used etc., see DB_WOV *** at GCMD


There is no weather data for this voyage.

Science Projects

Note - this page lists projects where there has been some requirements logged. This may include requests that are not directly associated with any science performed on the ship.

No Australian Antarctic Science Projects for voyage. See Current and Previous Projects for details on other projects.