Profile details

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Profile details

Profile Id 589    
Profile name Bech 99b Trip 1 (Creche)
PTT Number 25998 (ARGOS Satellite data)
Species Pygoscelis adeliae (Hombron and Jacquinot,1841) (Adelie Penguin) Profile

Sex: - F
Deployed from Béchervaise Island (details) [ 67° 35.5' S 62° 49.0' E]
Deployed period From 16-Jan-1999 02:22 UT to 21-Jan-1999 12:00 UT
Program 973 - Foraging Behaviour Of Adelie Penguins - CEMP (Colin Southwell)
Campaign 1998/99 - Adelie penguins from Bechervaise Island (Campaign details | profiles)
Data filter settings Minimum Location Quality - 1 - less than 1000 metres
Maximum allowed speed - 15 km/hr
Data and Maps
Pass Quality Count
3 2
2 11
1 27
0 60
A 18
B 22
Z 12
No map
Data reporting

If you wish to view/extract any data, please log in.

Map of positions - small world map in SVG
Quality of pass plot - time series in SVG

This profile is linked to the following multi-profiles

Multi ProfileMulti Profile name
138 bech g&c 99
144 bech g&c 99 female
163 bech creche 99
166 bech creche 99 female
173 bech g&c 92-2000
255 Non-returns all years
285 Bech 98-99 Non Return