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Additional Information | Adelie penguins are approximately 71cm in length. Males and females are of similar size and are difficult to tell apart without internal examination. Adelie penguins begin breeding at 3-5 years of age and can live up to 20 years. Adelie penguins lay two eggs between October and March each year. Males and females share incubation and chick rearing duties almost equally. Chicks are about two months old when they fledge. |
Diet and Feeding Diet and feeding details |
Adelie penguins can dive up to 175m but usually feed within the upper 70m of the water column on krill, fish, other crustaceans (amphipods) and squid (cephalopods). |
Habitat Includes realm (e.g. Terrestrial etc) and climatic information (e.g. Boreal); also includes requirements and tolerances; horizontal and vertical distribution; |
Adelie penguins have a circumpolar distribution and breed around the coast of Antarctica in areas of exposed rock. They travel large distances in winter, but always remain within the pack ice region. |
CCAMLR FishLog Database species identifier CCAMLR FishLog Database species identifier | PYD |
Species belongs to the following lists - Follow link on List Name to see list of all species.
Type | List Name | Description | Status | Basis of Record |
Antarctic-wide | Antarctic Birds | The definite list of Antarctic birds with status on breeding, vagrant or visitor to the region. | Breeding | Observation |
Bioregion | Heard Island | includes McDonald Island | Derived (from literature) |