Collection Details

Bunger Hills, 1999/2000 survey - nest sites of snow petrels Pagodroma nivea

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©John Gibson 2000
Catalogue id
Gibson, John

Collection Details

John Gibson
Collection Acronym
The snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea) is the most common bird of the Bunger Hills, with an estimated population of 1000 breeding pairs in colonies of up to 50 pairs dispersed widely throughout the southern Bunger Hills at altitudes between 25 and 155 m above sea level. About 70% of nests are located in cavities and cracks in bedrock on hills and ridges, while 30% breed under or between large boulders. Nest sites are chosen to be protected from snow accumulation and strong winds
Taxa Groups

List 1 taxa from this collection
Collection Status
Data collection complete
Gibson JAE (2000) The Environment of the Bunger Hills, Australian Antarctic Division report
DiGIR Details

See International activities tab for details on publishing data to other repositories.

Resource Code: - BH_2000_snpe
Resource Name: - Bunger Hills, 1999/2000 survey - nest sites of snow petrels Pagodroma nivea
Keywords: - snow petrels, nest locations
Basis of Record: - Observation

For list of all collections published via DiGIR, see AADC DiGIR collections and the DiGIR harvesting point if you wish to harvest records

Linked to the following Bioregions

Coastal Continental Antarctic - Bunger Hills / Haswell Islands

Data Details

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Spatial Coverage
66° 11' 32.3" S to 66° 20' 11.0" S | -66.1923° to -66.3364°
100° 29' 35.5" E to 101° 00' 33.5" E | 100.4932° to 101.0093°
Date Range of Collection
bunger_hills_gibson - The Environment of the Bunger Hills - 1999-2000