Collection Details

ARGOS Tracking

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©Kerry Stienberner 2005
Catalogue id
Elephant seal with tracker
Steinberner, Kerry

Collection Details

Collection Acronym
ARGOS Tracking devices called PTTs are attached to several species of birds, seals and whales. Locations include Heard and Macquarie islands, Auster and Taylor rookery, Berchervaise island and islands in the Antarctic peninsula.
Taxa Groups
Birds, Penguins, Seals, Whales,

List 19 taxa from this collection
Collection Status
Data collection ongoing
DiGIR Details

See International activities tab for details on publishing data to other repositories.

Resource Code: - argos_tracking
Resource Name: - ARGOS Tracking
Keywords: - satellite tracking
Basis of Record: - Observation

For list of all collections published via DiGIR, see AADC DiGIR collections and the DiGIR harvesting point if you wish to harvest records

Linked to the following Bioregions

Coastal Continental Antarctic - Dumont d'Urville / Commonwealth Bay
Coastal Continental Antarctic - Enderby Land / Syowa
Coastal Continental Antarctic - Mac Robertson Land Coast
Coastal Continental Antarctic - Prydz Bay Oases
Coastal Continental Antarctic - Terra Nova Bay
Coastal Continental Antarctic - Windmill Islands
Maritime Antarctic - Northern Peninsula
Subantarctic Island - Heard Island
Subantarctic Island - Macquarie Island

Data Details

Data links
Search the 366,689 observations belonging to this collection.
No map exists.
Spatial Coverage
22° 31' 51.6" S to 77° 21' 57.6" S | -22.5310° to -77.3660°
179° 59' 56.8" W to 191° 00' 10.8" E | -179.9991° to 191.0030°
Date Range of Collection
10-Mar-1990 to 26-Jun-2011
ASAC_1252 - Foraging ecology of emperor penguins in summer and potential overlap with fisheries
ASAC_1252 - Foraging ecology of emperor penguins in summer and potential overlap with fisheries
DB_Argos_PTT_Tracking - Argos PTT Tracking Database