(Latitude 70° 56' 00.0" S Longitude 167° 54' 00.0" E )
Use the link on the Scientific Name to see full details of that taxa. The Observations link allows the user to search for observations near this place.
Scientific Name | Authority | Common Name | Observations |
Buellia cf. illaetabilis | Observations | ||
Buellia coniops | Observations | ||
Buellia frigida | Darb. | Observations | |
Carbonea capsulata | Observations | ||
Lecanora mons-nivis | Darb. | Observations | |
Lecanora physciella | (Darb.) Hertel | Observations | |
Lecidea cancriformis | CW Dodge & GE Baker | Observations | |
Pleopsidium chlorophanum | (Wahlenb.) | Observations | |
Prasiola crispa subsp. antarctica | (Kitzing) Knebel 1936 | Observations | |
Pygoscelis adeliae | (Hombron and Jacquinot,1841) | Adelie Penguin | Observations |
Rhizocarpon flavum | Dodge and Baker | Observations | |
Umbilicaria aprina | Nyl. | Observations |
For additional taxa, see the Search Taxonomy page of Antarctic Biodiversity.