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Additional Information | At sea, leopard seals are the main predator of chinstrap penguins, while on land sheathbills and skuas often prey upon their eggs and young chicks. Chinstrap penguins lay eggs in late November and generally have two chicks each summer. The chicks fledge at about seven to eight weeks. |
Diet and Feeding Diet and feeding details |
Chinstrap penguins are near-shore feeders, feeding close to their breeding colonies on krill and fish. They catch prey by pursuit-diving by using their flippers to fly through the water. |
Habitat Includes realm (e.g. Terrestrial etc) and climatic information (e.g. Boreal); also includes requirements and tolerances; horizontal and vertical distribution; |
Chinstrap penguins breed mainly on the Antarctic Peninsula and on islands in the South Atlantic Ocean. They move north of the pack ice in March and remain there until early May for the duration of the winter. |
CCAMLR FishLog Database species identifier CCAMLR FishLog Database species identifier | PYN |
Species belongs to the following lists - Follow link on List Name to see list of all species.
Type | List Name | Description | Status | Basis of Record |
Antarctic-wide | Antarctic Birds | The definite list of Antarctic birds with status on breeding, vagrant or visitor to the region. | Breeding | Observation |
Bioregion | Heard Island | includes McDonald Island | Derived (from literature) |