Name details

Diamonen Island

Diamonen Island (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Diamonen Island  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory Id 108504

Feature type: Island


This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


W of Cape Herschel, Danco Coast. The name Île Moreno was originally applied by BeAE, 24 January 1898, to an island NW of Sterneck Island (Moreno Rock, q.v.). Owing to subsequent misapplication of the Belgian name Sterneck to Cape Herschel (q.v.) and to ambiguity in the positioning of Île Moreno on the Belgian map, the name of Moreno was misapplied to the present feature. Île Moreno (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904c, map p.232-33). Moreno Insel (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904b, Vol. 2, first end map). Morenos Ön (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904a, Del. 1, end map). Isla Morenas (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904-05, Tomo 1, end map). Small Island (Diamonen) [=diamond], so called by whalers in reference to its proximity to Small Island (q.v.) and to its shape (Johannessen, chart, [1919-20]). Large Diamond Island (Lester, 1920-22a, Vol. 6, p.154). Big Diamonen Island, Big Dimonen [sic] Island (Bagshawe, 1921-22c, p.41-42). Dimonen Island (Bagshawe, 1921-22b, Vol. 2, p.38). Moreno Ö (HA chart, 1928). Moreno Island (USAAF chart 1762, 1946; APC, 1955, p.15; BAS 250 sheet SQ 19-20/4, 1-DOS 1974). The island was photographed from the air by FIDASE, 1956-57. Islote Madariaga, after Gen. Joaquín Madariaga (1799-1848), of the Argentine Army of Liberation (Argentina. MM chart 128, 1957; Pierrou, 1970, p.499). Islote Madariga [sic] (Argentina. MM, 1957a, p.99). Moreno Major (Bancroft, 1959, Fig. 11 facing p.102). The name Moreno was also misapplied to another island N of Cape Herschel (Isla Moreno, q.v.). Diamonen Island (APC, 1960, p.3; BA chart 3560, 7.iv.1961). Isla Diamonen (Chile. DNH chart 1400, 1961). Islote Diamonen (Chile. DNH chart 1500, 1963; IHA, 1974, p.102).

Named For


64° 03' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
61° 16' 00.0" W
Unknown precision
Not recorded
Unknown precision


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