Map 13011: Physical features of the Southern Ocean

Map details

Map Number 13011
Title Physical features of the Southern Ocean
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 20 000 000
Publication date September 2002
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage (-180.0000° -35.0000°) , (180.0000° -35.0000°) , (180.0000° -90.0000°)
(-180.0000° -90.0000°)
Projection Polar Stereographic
Physical size 52 x 52 cm
Notes The maximum and minimum sea ice extents were derived from passive microwave data (1989 to 1999) compiled at the Antarctic CRC, Australia.
Keywords Southern Ocean , Sea Ice , Bathymetry , Front , Circumpolar , Maximum , Minimum


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Map Lists

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  1. Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84


Map extent