Map 13469: Antarctica with hill shading [Black and white]

Map details

Map Number 13469
Title Antarctica with hill shading [Black and white]
Edition 1
Scale 1 : c59 259 900
Publication date April 2008
Publisher -
Spatial coverage (-180.0000° -60.0000°) , (180.0000° -60.0000°) , (180.0000° -90.0000°)
(-180.0000° -90.0000°)
Projection Polar Stereographic
Physical size 9.7 x 10 cm
Keywords -


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Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Antarctica
  2. Black and white maps for publications
  3. Classroom Antarctica

Additional Information

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Map extent