Map 13489: Brabant Island to Argentine Islands

Map details

Map Number 13489
Title Brabant Island to Argentine Islands
Edition 1 (Out of Date)
Next Edition [Next Edition : 2]
Scale 1 : 250 000
Publication date 2008
Publisher British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Spatial coverage ( -65.0000° -63.7500°) , ( -61.1333° -63.7500°) , ( -61.1333° -65.8333°)
( -65.0000° -65.8333°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size 86.5 x 86.5 cm
Notes Compiled by M. Biszczuk and A. Cook
ISBN: 978 1 85531 311 8
Reference BAS(UKAHT)2
Keywords Brabant Island , Argentine Islands , Bruce Plateau , Forbidden Plateau , Exasperation Inlet , Anvers Island , Grandidier Channel , Flandres Bay , Andvord Bay , Wilhelmina Bay , Gerlache Strait , Wiencke Island , Wauvermans Islands , Dallmann Bay , Ukaht , United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust , Bouquet Bay , Hughes Bay , Croker Passage , Survey Marks , Topographic


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Horizontal datum WGS84


Map extent