Map 15295: Brabant Island to Argentine Islands

Map details

Map Number 15295
Title Brabant Island to Argentine Islands
Edition 2
Previous edition [Previous edition : 1]
Scale 1 : 250 000
Publication date 2017
Publisher British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Spatial coverage ( -64.5000° -63.7500°) , ( -61.0000° -63.7500°) , ( -61.0000° -65.7500°)
( -64.5000° -65.7500°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size 88 x 84 cm
Notes This is side A of a double-sided map. A map of 'Argentine Islands to Adelaide Island' (Map number 15296) is on the reverse. More information can be found at
Reference BAS (UKAHT) 2A
Keywords Brabant Island , Anvers Island , Argentine Islands , Gerlache Strait , UKAHT , Port Lockroy


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Map Lists

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  1. 1:250 000 topographic maps

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Vertical unit Metres
Nomenclature UK Antarctic Place-names gazetteer


Map extent