Map 15760: Framnes Mountains (Mac.Robertson Land)

Map details

Map Number 15760
Title Framnes Mountains (Mac.Robertson Land)
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 50 000
Publication date October 2022
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage ( 62.3300° -67.5000°) , ( 63.1700° -67.5000°) , ( 63.1700° -68.0000°)
( 62.3300° -68.0000°)
Projection WGS 1984 UTM Zone 41S
Physical size 118.9 x 84.1 cm A0
Keywords Mac. , Mac , Robertson , Land , Mawson , Coast , Bechervaise , Stinear , Kista , Strait , Holme , Bay , Forbes , Casey , Ranges , Robinson , Group , Station , North , Masson , Range , Central , South , David , Brown , Horseshoe , Harbour , Satellite Imagery


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  1. A zipped image (TIFF) for use in Oziexplorer
  2. A print file (Georeferenced PDF)

Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Framne Mountains / Holme Bay / Mawson - extended list
  2. Oziexplorer maps
  3. Framne Mountains / Holme Bay / Mawson - core list

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Vertical datum MSL Mawson
Vertical unit Feet
Nomenclature Australian Antarctic Gazetteer


Map extent