Map 16203: SQ 39-40

Map details

Map Number 16203
Title SQ 39-40
Edition 3
Previous edition [Previous edition : 1]
Scale 1 : 1 000 000
Publication date July 2024
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage ( 48.0000° -64.0000°) , ( 60.0000° -64.0000°) , ( 60.0000° -68.0000°)
( 48.0000° -68.0000°)
Projection Lambert Conformal Conic
Physical size 54 x 68 cm
Keywords Napier Mountains , Enderby Land , Kemp Land , Sakellari Peninsula , Amundsen Bay , Tula Mountains , Raggatt Mountains , Scott Mountains , King Edward Plateau , Edward Vii Gulf , Law Promontory , King Edward Ice Shelf , SQ39-40 , SQ39/40 , Survey Marks , Topographic


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  1. A print file (Georeferenced PDF)
  2. 1M topographic series 2023 legend and data sources
  3. Georeferenced TIF

Map Lists

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  1. 1: 1 000 000 topographic maps

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Vertical datum Mean Sea Level
Vertical unit Metres
Nomenclature Australian Antarctic Gazetteer


Map extent