Map 3679: Sketch of Danco Land, the Belgica Strait and Palmer Archipelago surveyed by Captain G. Lecointe. 1898

Map details

Map Number 3679
Title Sketch of Danco Land, the Belgica Strait and Palmer Archipelago surveyed by Captain G. Lecointe. 1898
Edition -
Scale Not Entered
Publication date 1901
Publisher Royal Geographical Society (United Kingdom)
Spatial coverage (-104.0000° -53.0000°) , ( -50.0000° -53.0000°) , ( -50.0000° -72.0000°)
(-104.0000° -72.0000°)
Projection Not Given
Physical size 28 x 39 cm
Reference 833
Keywords Danco Land , Belgica Strait , Palmer Archipelago , G. Lecointe , Antwerp Island , Brabant Island , Ship Tracks


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  1. Royal Geographical Society maps

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