Macquarie Island Poa annua soil samples 2010-11: Springtail abundance and habitat
In 2010-11 70mm soil cores were collected from locations at Macquarie Island rich in the invasive plant Poa annua. The cores were collected at 22 sites, with 10 samples per site. Processing and identification of species was completed in 2016.
This file contains three spreadsheets: site descriptions, complete sample descriptions and abundance of springtail species at the sites.
The work was carried as part of Australian Antarctic Science (AAS) Project 4024 and is currently being written up into several papers.
The 'Quad veg' column gives the percentage vegetation cover in the one metre square quadrat. The 'sample veg' column gives the percentage vegetation cover in the 70mm soil core. The numbers in these columns are percentages and the letters are abbreviations for vegetation types:
pa = Poa annua, cal = Callitriche sp., ttg = tall tussock grassland (Poa foliosa), sg = short grassland (range of species), colo = Colobanthus spp.
In the 'rabbit presence' column 1 means there was evidence of rabbit presence in the quadrat and 0 means otherwise.
Can remote sensing be used to map vegetation and monitor community change in Antarctica?
This dataset consists of Hyperion satellite imagery, as well as GPS ground truthing of vegetation quadrats.
The aims of this project were:
1. to produce a spectral library of the major subantarctic terrestrial plant species and community types from ground spectroradiometery measurements .
2. to use the spectral library to assist in classification of vegetation communities.
File: 2392HI2003_04 Vegetation Survey Data.xls
Table of vegetation data collected from Heard Island in the summer of 2003-2004 by Johanna Turnbull. Areas surveyed were Paddick Valley, Fairchild Beach, Dovers Moraine and Skua Beach. Ten 1x1 m quadrats were sampled with each 30x30 m site surveyed. Quadrats were selected haphazardly. Numbers are given as percentage cover of each species, averaged out over the ten sampled quadrats, unless otherwise stated.
The Codes used for species/ground cover types and vegetation communities/associations can be found in sheet 2 of the excel file, called 'vegetation codes'. They are also listed below:
Vegetation - Species/Ground Cover Types
Code - Species/ground cover types
AM - Acaena magellanica
AS - Azorella selago
CA - Callitriche
CA w/ H2O - Callitriche in water
CO - Colobanthus sp.
DE - Deschampsia
G - Gravel
L - Lichen
LI - Liverwort
M - Moss/Bryophytes
MO - Montia fontana
PA - Pringlea antiscorbutica
PAN - Poa annua
PC - Poa cookii
PK - Poa kuerguelensis
PK/PC - P. kerguelensis / P. cookii Hybrid
R - rock
S - sand / soil
W - Water
Vegetation - Communities / Associations
Code - Community
DCC - Closed Cushionfield
DCC w/ Aceana - Closed Cushionfield with Aceana
DCC/H - Closed Cushionfield/Herbfield
DCC/H/T - Cushionfield/Herbfield/Tussock
FF - Fellfield
H - Herbfield
MF - Mossfield
PC/M - Pool Complex/Meadow
PCC - Open Cushionfield
PCC/MF - Open Cushionfield/Mossfield
SM - Mire/Flush/Meadow
SM/PCC - Mire/Flush/Open Cushionfield
THD - Tussock with Cushionfield/Herbfield